Answered What do I do with a returned item?

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Apr 27, 2020
Just started working in GS. Don't worry, I'm asking lots of questions and my coworkers are a great help. I just want to make sure I know everything I need to know so that I don't make any mistakes when at the SD by myself. I'm going to list everything I know, please fix anything I mess-up or miss.

Softlines returns- put in softlines bin

hardlines returns- reshop if it is unopened, defect if damaged/used

market- perishables are defected, non-perishables are donated

esim- immidetly defect and then bag and store in container (how do you know if it is esim?)

I know I'm missing a lot of things please help me out!
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Correct. ESIM has a a sticker with two letters on it. ST... FL, etc. except vp which is vendor pickup.

right now softlines must be quarantined for3 days and hardlines must be disinfected (see your SETL for store specific process info)

for most items, follow POS prompts, then look at the sticker.

seasoned GSTMs at your store will know best.
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During this Covid-19 stuff, the general modus operandi is basically...
  • Clothing and anything with a cloth-like surface (think towels, pillows, or even those neat baskets made of fabric) goes into quarantine for 3 days.
  • Items with hard surfaces, such as plastic goods, toys without fabric, diapers, etc. is wiped down with the multisurface/glass cleaner and set back out for reshop.
The exact location varies by store, but reshop is sorted into bins or vehicles (usually 3-tiers) for their specific department if the item is not damaged or temperature-abused (cold stuff you come across = toss. Don't try to guess if it's okay.)

Defect out anything damaged or something that's been worn, is missing pieces, or is otherwise unfit for sale in our stores.
Override broken items (such as broken glass, smashed ceramic bowl, etc.) to Toss. Also override to toss any cold or perishable items where myWork-Defectives suggests "Donate" if your store doesn't have cold donation (few stores do; and most food banks frown upon receiving spoiled milk and maggot-infested meat).

ESIM is anything you shouldn't toss in a garbage can as it can be dangerous for the environment (hence its name, Environmentally-Sensitive Item Management).
When you defect or override to toss anything like this (and to date I've yet to see myWork-Defectives miss any ESIM), it'll print the label for your item with a code (which usually doesn't mean much to you, unless your Service Desk is responsible for sorting the ESIM stuff into the respective bins, instead of the more common practice of Service Desk putting everything into one ESIM Sort bin which the Reverse Logistics Expert ("receiver") or FOS Attendant does.
Remember to bag and seal these items, and place the label on the bag itself (that is, outside, and not on the item itself).

Every defective item will print a label (with the exception of most food overridden to toss) with a "box" where it goes.
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