Archived what do I do

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Jun 14, 2015
Had a fight sort of at work. Had a tm come up while my head was down and try to scare me ended up taking a swing at him don't know if I hit him or not but he said sorry and that was the end of it at that time just had a gsa come up to me and tell me that she saw the video and that it was inappropriate and that I was in trouble. What will happen? I have ptsd and take medication for it will that be enough to keep me out of trouble?
Who took the video? And why? A GSA would not have seen security footage, so a TM likely recorded it. Which means they were trying to provoke a reaction from you.

Definitely talk to your ETL-HR.
Who took the video? And why? A GSA would not have seen security footage, so a TM likely recorded it. Which means they were trying to provoke a reaction from you.

Definitely talk to your ETL-HR.

Definitely talk to your ETL-HR. If they were trying to provoke you, that could be considered a hostile work environment.
Had a fight sort of at work. Had a tm come up while my head was down and try to scare me ended up taking a swing at him don't know if I hit him or not but he said sorry and that was the end of it at that time just had a gsa come up to me and tell me that she saw the video and that it was inappropriate and that I was in trouble. What will happen? I have ptsd and take medication for it will that be enough to keep me out of trouble?
That is a automatic fire in targets eyes and maybe non rehireable.
If you've been diagnosed with PTSD & are being treated (medication), the TM who provoked you would be the one in trouble. If they attempted to term you, a savvy labor lawyer would hang them out to dry.
The GSA is an a$$hole.
As Passin said, talk to your ETL-HR ASAP.
Get the information from your doctor and talk to your ETL-HR.
Head this off at the pass, don't let them get to you.
If they were fucking with you and trying to get a rise out of you, that is a hostile work environment and you need to use those words.
Anytime people are creating a circumstance where someone will snap and they know perfectly well that is what they are doing, then the company becomes libel.
They will want to get out from under that as fast as possible.

When you talk to them, be reasonable, be measured and controlled.
Let them know this is not something you would ever do under normal circumstances and you need their help in keeping it from happening again.
You don't know if you hit him or not? Did you black out?
Ptsd is a wonderful thing. I was also going on 4 hours of sleep at the time. I just found out that this tm took a video onhis iPhone and is showing it to everyone at work. My hr isn't here atm I'm seriously pissed tho thanks for all the kind words
Ptsd is a wonderful thing. I was also going on 4 hours of sleep at the time. I just found out that this tm took a video onhis iPhone and is showing it to everyone at work. My hr isn't here atm I'm seriously pissed tho thanks for all the kind words

That's bull, they were obviously trying to get you in trouble.

I had sort of the same thing happen to me, knowing I have OCD and my work station and supplies need to be just so one of my co-workers started to purposely mess with it. When I finally went off on her I called her a not so nice name. Even though she was obviously trying to upset me I still got n trouble and she did not.
Like others have to hr and stl asap. Explain to them what happened and how YOU feel about the video being shown to everyone etc.
Ptsd is a wonderful thing. I was also going on 4 hours of sleep at the time. I just found out that this tm took a video onhis iPhone and is showing it to everyone at work. My hr isn't here atm I'm seriously pissed tho thanks for all the kind words
Okay, that DEF falls under 'hostile workplace', instigation/prevarication & illegal recording w/o permission on work property.
If your ETL-HR isn't there tomorrow, you go to your STL.
That TM needs to be smacked with a lawsuit.
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Definitely get ahead of this. I hate that people are so cruel as to try and set you off. I hope you can get this settled and those tms dealt with.
If they have witnesses and you hit him under target rules that is automatic fired.
Not so fast.
If someone who has been diagnosed with PTSD & is currently under treatment & leadership is aware of it, they are part of a PROTECTED CLASS.
If anything, the TM could be termed for deliberately provoking someone BECAUSE of their condition.
Not so fast.
If someone who has been diagnosed with PTSD & is currently under treatment & leadership is aware of it, they are part of a PROTECTED CLASS.
If anything, the TM could be termed for deliberately provoking someone BECAUSE of their condition.
But the target handbook that has the rules for being hired say fighting or hitting of team members is automatically fired and not rehireable.
But the target handbook that has the rules for being hired say fighting or hitting of team members is automatically fired and not rehireable.

There are situations where the rules don't apply.
When you are dealing with people who have disabilities and PTSD counts as one, the rules have to be dealt with accordingly.
Its been 3 days since it happened at least half the salesfloor has seen the video. The tm has not pressed charges as far as I know my HR either doesn't know or doesn't care. She knows I have mental problems (hi functing aspurgers, ptsd, anxiety). I think on the action from tgt front I'm in the clear for the most part.
I'm hesitant to go to my hr because I dont want trouble. My fear is she will just fire me on the spot rather than deal with the situation Appropriately
Also there were no witnesses around we were first to the backroom for huddle. The only person who may have seen something was another tm on the other side of the backroom and the whole thing lasted maybe 10 seconds if that
I understand you not wanting to go to HR but the very things that make you not want to go are what mean you must.

This is harassing and bullying behavior of the first order.
By showing the video around they have made the incident worse and have created an incident that borders on the worst kind of work place harassment.
This is worse than school kids doing it because Target can be sued.
They have stepped over a line into the totally unacceptable and you need to fight back.
It's clear they meant to make you look bad, to have something to show around and that's just wrong on so many levels.
This makes me incredibly angry and you really need to stand up for yourself, please.
Don't let them push you and humiliate you.
They can't fire you for this, and they have no right to treat you like this.
Go to HR, Go to the STL.
Make them pay.
Its been 3 days since it happened at least half the salesfloor has seen the video. The tm has not pressed charges as far as I know my HR either doesn't know or doesn't care. She knows I have mental problems (hi functing aspurgers, ptsd, anxiety). I think on the action from tgt front I'm in the clear for the most part.

Still talk to ETL-HR, you don't want them to keep setting you up. At some point your PTSD could cause you to hurt someone. This has got to be stopped NOW.
If you in deed have a diagnosed learning and behavior disorder and Target was made aware of it, then you have a case.

By the TM scaring you might have been considered a joke and your reaction as simply as that. But with them recording and showing the video around the store, the incident was planned and organized thus creating a hostile work environment.

Workplace teasing and bullying is not tolerated.

The best thing you can do is admit your reaction and report the incident to HR and STL, they can restrict any or all interaction between you two. Hiding it will only get you in trouble if it becomes an issue.
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