Archived What do you miss?

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I just miss being on a leadership team that wasn’t so stressed and exhausted all the time. I wish my store would have handled the changes differently so that we wouldn’t be in this horrible mess. Too many team leads at my store are just getting burnt out too quickly. We’ve been stressed before, but there is so much pressure to make this work that we are crashing and burning so fast. Yet, at the same time I have to give credit to my team because the dedication they are giving to make it work, and not quitting just because it’s getting tough, makes me just a little hopeful things will work out.
I miss getting to set stuff in softlines. Now it's been end-to-ended away from me.

I miss getting to set salesplanners and revisions EVERYWHERE. I hate how my "world" is shrinking, I hate the diminishing variety, I hate how leaders can't make up their minds, let alone come to an agreement with each other, as to what is and isn't presentation team's responsibility to set.

Overnights. I will forever miss overnights. And who would have thought, back when they killed third shift, the day would come when I'd miss 4am?
i never worked flow team but i hear
"i miss bowling the freight" down the aisles a lot.
It was sooo much faster.

A couple of TMs could have all of chemicals done in under 2 hours. Now, working later in the day with all the guests on the floor, I'll be lucky to get one u-boat finished in an hour. On the weekends I feel more like a traffic cop than a stocker.
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