Archived What does this mean

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Oct 16, 2015
I worked as a cashier for about a week like 37 hours and then today HR asked if I wanted more hours for tomorrow and gave me four more in soft lines so I be at 39.75 . I got 3 red cards so far ! I think they like me but idk ?
37 plus 4 equals 41.

They like you if you are quiet and don't hold an opinion. The moment you start questioning things and giving your opinion, or even enjoying yourself, they will cut your hours. So fly under the radar. Don't be like grumpy pig over here.
37 plus 4 equals 41.

They like you if you are quiet and don't hold an opinion. The moment you start questioning things and giving your opinion, or even enjoying yourself, they will cut your hours. So fly under the radar. Don't be like grumpy pig over here.
37 was last week
I don't have opinions lol
37 plus 4 equals 41.

They like you if you are quiet and don't hold an opinion. The moment you start questioning things and giving your opinion, or even enjoying yourself, they will cut your hours. So fly under the radar. Don't be like grumpy pig over here.
LOL OMG. I haven't fully "psychologized" the process yet. But, that could work for a bit.
Use this as a spring board. Ask questions, have a sense of urgency, hustle and look busy and like you care and you might get some recognition.
I'm lucky. I found a much better job that pays so much more and treats me great. They actually hired me because of my personality. I still work at target, very part time.

I have learned so much though. Retail is retail. Everything you buy at target isn't life or death. It's the higher ups that need to look good. Your hard work won't matter if you don't kiss the right ass. You wanna make it, agree to everything. Don't voice your opinions on how things can improve. Don't make work fun. I was someone who busted my butt no matter where I worked. But I'm also opinionated which didn't go so well.

PS. softlines sucks. It only takes one guest to put you behind. They expect miracles. We can't keep people in that area because of the stress, the pay and many other factors. A few years ago, it was much better.
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