Archived What happens if nobody acknowledges the truck?

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Ship from Store: Don't call it Ship To Store!!
Jan 12, 2015
I was looking at the release notes for the winter PDA update, and it looks like they removed the app used to acknowledge trailers in RFapps since the same functionality is in the Receive web app on the PDA.

The problem is that nobody at my store noticed a few months ago when we were told to start using the Receive app, and they kept doing it the old way. I looked at RWT today and sure enough, there was no acknowledged time listed under the RDC trailer.

The ETL-LOG doesn't care and basically told me that they don't need to acknowledge trucks anymore and I shouldn't worry about it.

So is not acknowledging trucks going to do anything screwy like mess up the counts and create needless massive autofills? Does it make a difference if the unload is still scanned using the Push app?
We acknowledged a truck & forgot to unload it. Then we got another truck. OH counts were way off. At my store, we used the truck app in the main apps screen.

Spot will catch up with your etl.
If they don't acknowledge it through receive, then the system doesn't recognize the store as having receiving the product. So the next truck will end up being bigger but eventually the DTL is going to come in asking questions. Hell the AP-ETL, if you have one, should be on top of it as it will resort in a lot of shortage.
I don't know how you could get by without acknowledging a trailer for too long. The main page of RWT would show it not getting done. If you temporarily did not acknowledge the trailer, the autofills would be big (since they would pull as much as a non-truck day since it doesn't know any truck product is coming in), otherwise you would have 0 OH but really have product which would be weird. If you somehow managed to go all year without acknowledging it, it would actually show then as an overage for inventory, not shortage.
Hope that's not true for my store anytime soon we still do it though ADCI. Still hate that Subt and NOP are gone from rf apps sto and subt in rfapps made correcting mistakes in the backroom so much quicker because you could seamlessly toggle and NOP properly displayed future sets. But yeah your on hand counts should be way off and the pulls would be much bigger.
Happened to us over the holidays,they forgot to ack the second truck,massive pulls,br had to deal with back stock from both and also from the excessive pulls,misery....
Same thing today, but it's hard to tell if we're seeing any effects from it. Autofills were huge but that could just be because we got through a lot of backstock yesterday. The hourly pulls were big too, but we were also crazy busy (they tried to get backroom to backup cashier at one point).

I'll pay closer attention on Monday to see what happens.

Hope that's not true for my store anytime soon we still do it though ADCI.
Yeah that's the one that was being removed through the PDA update that should have been rolled out this week. Check RWT on the next truck day and see if they acknowledged it.
Shooting the PFresh Order (accurately) when the truck hasn't been acknowledged is LOADS of fun...
Telling your etl-log that is even more fun...Not only do they yell at the person who received it but then they scrutinize why you know it wasn't received right and how you knew to check...sigh. Can't people just accept that I know more than most of the tm or tl in the store?
Telling your etl-log that is even more fun...Not only do they yell at the person who received it but then they scrutinize why you know it wasn't received right and how you knew to check...sigh. Can't people just accept that I know more than most of the tm or tl in the store?

My ETL Ops showed me since I start before he comes in by a half hour and for weekends he doesn't work. Cause when they found out, he wanted to have a back up plan. I have acknowledged and closed many a trailer in the last year. We both miss the ETL log that got stolen for another store, he was awesome, he had overnight rocking.
Can't people just accept that I know more than most of the tm or tl in the store?[/QUOTE]
And know how one process effects another process when best practice is not followed.
We acknowledged a truck & forgot to unload it. Then we got another truck. OH counts were way off. At my store, we used the truck app in the main apps screen.

Spot will catch up with your etl.

Was this supposed to have sarcasm font?? How do you forget to unload a truck - I have to know!?
Not Acknowledging your truck has a fee, terrible impacts:

1) Your autofills will be big. Much bigger than they should be, because product is meant to flow from the truck, and be supplemented from the autofills. Doing this creates a lot of backstock and promotes burning batches.

2) The push application simply looks at the current sales floor accumulator vs. what's inbound to determine if it's more efficient to stock it or backstock the case. Typically if the entire case won't fit, it's flagged as backstock.

3) On hands don't hit your physical inventory until you acknowledge the truck, so in the case of fast movers, particularly paper, you end up with a shit load of it because it's continue triggered. Do you have a shitload of paper in your backroom?

Support will send an email after 24 hours of a missed Ack. 24 hours after that, they will force induct it, which is usually too late to stop any of this from fucking you.

Tldr; your etl is retarded and you should just acknowledge them yourself.
Can't people just accept that I know more than most of the tm or tl in the store?
And know how one process effects another process when best practice is not followed.[/QUOTE]
I was constantly checking when my on hands were off in market. The c&s truck wasn't acknowledged all the dang time. Half the time though the regular truck or maclains wasn't adds up quick.
I find it hard to believe your store isn't acknowledging trucks somehow. Your on hands would be way off. Honestly I'm surprised a store could go more than 2-3 trucks without getting some attention from the DC and corporate.
on-hands means the number of items for a single DPCI the receiver acknowledges or is it the number spot believes we have based on what is in store (on floor + backstocked) and what was just delievered?
on-hands means the number of items for a single DPCI the receiver acknowledges or is it the number spot believes we have based on what is in store (on floor + backstocked) and what was just delievered?
Yes.. The on hand count is a running total that is changed every time we sell something or receive a delivery. It's also easily changed through instocks so it's a pretty dynamic number for any given item.
Well I don't know what happened but it looks like they are being acknowledged again as of today. Autofills were only 6 hours this morning, but we did get a shitload of paper in on today's truck.
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