Unload/Sort BTS

Oct 22, 2014
Hello, I’m a newer TL that took over the unload truck process. Plano will be setting bts this week. How are you guys sorting/ staging bts? By custom block? What is your store doing so I can get different ideas. What are good routines for the unload so it does not become a mess? As we transition one of the biggest sets of the year.
It may be too late now, but just for future planning: you can create custom blocks for pre-tied aisles as long as there aren't more than two letters (CL, GS, SC, etc.. don't usually get pre-tied anyway, so that's really a non-issue). If you're pre-tying the planogram for B17, you'd create a custom block for TB17 to sort it during the unload.

Try to coordinate with the leader who pre-ties the sets so you can create custom blocks for those pre-tied aisles each time. That way, your unload team just needs to sort by custom block like they always have rather than looking at the aisle itself. You can group the aisles by valley or two if there isn't enough freight coming in for each individual aisle, which still allows you to drop pallets in front of specific aisles/valleys to get pushed when they're set.

Most stores don't use all of their custom blocks anyway, so there should be more than enough to set aside for the larger sets that are pre-tied. You'd just go in afterward or before the next set to adjust them as needed.
They are pre tied. I just don’t see custom blocks on them? How long does it take for the custom block to show up on the boxes? There’s 4-6 aisles on one custom block. We have been sorting by aisle then popping them on the steel.
They are pre tied. I just don’t see custom blocks on them? How long does it take for the custom block to show up on the boxes? There’s 4-6 aisles on one custom block. We have been sorting by aisle then popping them on the steel.

Just sort by aisles on the pallet. Don't worry about the custom blocks which are set to deal with replenishment after set.

Look at Greenfield and note the number of transition cases per aisle.

For example if today's truck has
F50 60 cases
F51 70 cases
F52 20 cases
F53 40 cases
And then less than 10 each on other aisles you could make a pallet for f50, f51, f52/53, and everything else.

Each time could be different depending on how many pallets your space allows during unload and what trap release the DC is working through. The freight flow calendar gives you the idea of what part of seasonal is getting released at the DC on which day.
How do you guys track team members with push time/ goal times?

What method works for you and what do you use?

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