What in your opinion is the worst thing Target has ever sold?

I think anything with the word "collectible" in the title automatically counts as one of the worst items Target has sold.
Naw, "collectible" is a good money maker. Think of those plates that used to be on TV all the time, people that wouldn't bother to buy a cheap, ill-painted plate, much less a lot, were shelling out money for something that was "collectible", with the implication of "valuable", and they were buying the whole series.

And kids love gross things, it's in their nature. They'll beg, barter, demand, and even throw the tempter tantrum from hell to get a gross toy, especially if they've seen peers with it.
If we're not talking about ideas, I would say TVs. I don't think there is another nationwide retailer that sells, exclusively, as low quality of TVs as Target sells. With the more recent move to get rid of all the slightly more mid-range LG TVs and replace them with garbage base models, which you typically only see on Black Friday at other retailers, I finally began to realize just how subpar Target's electronics offerings are. It's been at least two months since my store started getting these dumpster TVs in, but all the ad signs and pricing still reflect the higher end models.

Who do I turn Target into for their bait and switch? The signs and ad advertise better TVs than the consumer is getting.
Those dumb kids prank toys inside of OneSpot. No one buys them at my store and we have boxes and boxes of them and they just fall on the floor and get crammed into every possible spot
Yellies. Seriously, who the fuck makes a toy that responds based on how loud you yell at it, and why would Target, who primarily targets moms, think it's a good idea to sell them?
If we're not talking about ideas, I would say TVs. I don't think there is another nationwide retailer that sells, exclusively, as low quality of TVs as Target sells. With the more recent move to get rid of all the slightly more mid-range LG TVs and replace them with garbage base models, which you typically only see on Black Friday at other retailers, I finally began to realize just how subpar Target's electronics offerings are. It's been at least two months since my store started getting these dumpster TVs in, but all the ad signs and pricing still reflect the higher end models.

Who do I turn Target into for their bait and switch? The signs and ad advertise better TVs than the consumer is getting.
BRO! So I wasn't the only one who noticed that! Target indeed Item Merged the LG 6300 and the 6090! The other day I had another team member buy a tv from me and he wanted the LG. I made sure to grab it myself because there was 3 in back and only one of them was the 6300. The other two were the 6090s! I sold him the 6300 cuz it has more features for the same price. Sad thing is that on the floor the tag says 6300 while now we are only receiving 6090s. Is that considered false advertising?
I still get guests who miss the Target-designed bottles with color rings IDs.
Can't believe that CVS didn't take it & run with it.

*raises hand*

And the liquid bottles with the plugs with a syringe-sized-hole.

Target was the only pharmacy that offered that standard, and CVS was really fucking stupid not to switch over to the Target bottles.
Sweet shots! It had liquid candy inside what looked like a syringe. Great for meth head guests who have kids I guess. Marketing: Shoplift a game console and grab a sweet shot for the kids! sweet shots.png
The front cap of the plastic cups and plates for 79 cents in kitchen. I do not understand why there is soooo much of that product. Plus stocking them is tedious because you have to remove the plastic paper inside each cup or plate stacked when you open the box.
Coming in a close second was The Garth Brooks collection that seemed as if they were glued to the shipper - even after they all went on clearance.

We still have some.

Taylor Swift magazine looking thing is definitely a closed second to Garth. Every Christmas season there's another Garth collection.

Garth Brooks seems so full of himself. Why is any store north of the Mason-Dixon line selling his garbage.
I wish these weren't so expensive+a nefarious plot by Google to mine everyone's genetic information, because the tech is really cool and genetic stuff fascinates me
It is cool, but it's also a double edged sword. For every happy story of lost relatives found and a better idea of what areas of the world to start the genealogy search at, there's people finding out that their fathers didn't actually sire them, large businesses and insurance companies using the lack of regulation to find a way to not pay for a potential expensive health problem, and cases of no-warrant searches that are ethically very reasonable but can lead to other legal seraches that are ethically not acceptable at all in the future.
I think one of 23andMe's majority stakeholders is also employed by Google, iirc. That makes it 100% shady as all living fuck. Take a 23andMe test and your genetic data is uploaded to Google's server farm which they will archive and cross reference in 40 years when you apply for a Google Job™ or Google Credit™ or a Google Mortgage™ on a Google House™.

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