Archived What is with ETLs and Twitter?

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Mar 8, 2013
Has the leadership at anyone else's store become Twitter-obsessed all of a sudden? I first noticed it during 4x4 hell week when one of the execs took a picture of one of the aisles I did and said it was going on Twitter. I was like, okay...? And since then I've noticed they've been doing that a lot. I was creeping on my ETL-LOG's page and they all tag each other, our DTL, and some other group and district leaders too. I don't know if it's just my store or if this is a new thing they're supposed to do, but I think it's really dumb, lol. My opinion is that my social media accounts are for my leisurely, off the clock use, and I would be pissed if I had to start using them to talk about work 24/7.

And sorry, but none of them are getting a #FollowFriday from me either 😛
Yeah, they're supposed to. Our HRBP came in one day and told our ETLHR she had to create a twitter and start using it. They all post constantly and the DTL and group people all like or follow or whatever each other.
This was started in our district last year. Twitter, Facebook, cartwheel, and Target App. Mandatory participation by Execs and above
My group got Twitter obsessed about 3-4 months ago. HR and STLs are the main ones at the store level using it, but they're encouranging everyone from TLs up to make and use a Target Twitter account.
I'm just genuinely curious as to what they are trying to accomplish with this? Although I guess it just gives them another reason to hang out in their offices together 😉
Yes I had an ETL obsessed with getting this overhead signing up before 8am to post on twitter on Sunday this week.
I found my STL and ETLs on Twitter as well. It's a bit weird to say the least. While I do have an account on the site, I rarely (if ever) tweet. At least, I now know who to block.
We did some unique displays during our SB reset; our STL took pix & tweeted.
Now I know why.
We make ridiculous hashtag statements all the time. It's over the top and our ETLs and STL are well aware of it. It's a running joke to see how long a sentence with punctuation and correct capitalization can be prefaced with a #. For example, #It'sanAMAZINGdayatourstoreandwe'regladtobeworkingatTxxxx,aren'tyou?Wegotthis!VIBEon!
I know that my Stl loves to take pics when certain things in the store looks great...I didn't know what he was doing with them.I guess I know now
I can't see how the etl's have time do to any of this mess.
At my store they are occupied by each other, bonbons, candy crush and sitting in an office for hours at a time. No no they're way to busy for this clearly.
In other words they post everything to Twitter I've seen them ignore guests because they're so distracted with getting things up on Twitter
This is one more thing that would have gotten me in trouble. I already called something stupid as something stupid to my Sr. Merch and STL. As such they really didn't like me much and were doing whatever they could to get me out. Twitter? No, I don't think so. I don't use Twitter and Target would/could not force me to do so.
They started with this at my store a few months ago, it is the most cringe-worthy thing ever to read the things they write. Every time I read #IBELIEVEWEWILLWIN or #WeGotThis or see a forced picture our STL took with a couple team members, I want to vomit. What difference does any of it make besides bragging/showing off to other leadership on the site, it's not like it's going to bring guests into the store. As usual, they're focusing on all the wrong things.
As an ETL some ETL's go way overboard and have an agenda but for me and MY team I enjoy showing off their work. If a TM finishes and amazing zone in pets or in frames or wherever I will ask them if they want me to tweet it out so I can show it off. For redcards and conversion, aar/esps, rx/tx/flu... I have TM's getting upset with me if I DON'T "relfie" with them. My team loves getting involved in twitter which lets me know they are engaged. I am driving metrics and keeping my team top priority. To each their own though I guess.

EDIT: Also, if a TM is uncomfortable with taking a picture then no pics will be taken and I will still recognize their hard work.
Yea, my stl and etls started doing this. They ask if you wanna be in the pic or be tagged, though. I don't because I talk shit about target on Twitter all the time. My stl tags the dtl in all of his tweets about the good zones.
It must be REALLY...REALLY..nice working at a higher volume store as an exec where you can goof around all day. In my lower volume store my Exces work their ass off to get stuff done and routinely put in tons of hours to make sure our store looks great.

I know most Execs work pretty hard but im sure we all know a few who dont
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