Completely being honest here. At first there were only two people in my entire store that ruined my days. One of those people I now really respect and get along with very well (the other still hates my guts and lies about me for no good reason to other TMs, thankfully no one really listens to that bull crap). Other than that there aren't many things to hate about my job. Sure I'm a CA and have to deal with some stuff that is less than desirable, but I'd rather have myself do it than anyone else. I like being the guy in the store that can "get anything done no matter what". Originally working in general boosted my happiness up to about 40% (I've been living at a constant 5% for all my life), then I met a really awesome person there. That person and me are friends now and my life is like at 90% happiness. So for me, everything at work is great (except for that TM who hates me).