What to do when a TL seems out to get you?

Feb 26, 2023
I’m a 37 year old business professional that’s been in retail for 19 years. I’ve been at Target for almost 2 months. There’s this TL that just seems like she doesn’t like me or wants to get me fired. I don’t get it… I put 10x more effort than the teenagers that work in my area and even spend a lot of time off the clock studying the brands we sell so I can make better recommendations. All the other TL love me. But this one is constantly checking in on where I am & what I’m doing. If it’s slow, I’m dusting and cleaning! Even today I wasn’t scheduled, had my kids, but came in to help for a few hours because an ETL asked me to because they were so overwhelmed. I spent more time telling this TL my location than actually working. What do I do?
Is If you’re comfortable doing so, I’d ask that TL to talk and maybe let them know how you’re feeling. If not, maybe just report it to your ETL and let them ease out the situation.
I’m a 37 year old business professional that’s been in retail for 19 years. I’ve been at Target for almost 2 months. There’s this TL that just seems like she doesn’t like me or wants to get me fired. I don’t get it… I put 10x more effort than the teenagers that work in my area and even spend a lot of time off the clock studying the brands we sell so I can make better recommendations. All the other TL love me. But this one is constantly checking in on where I am & what I’m doing. If it’s slow, I’m dusting and cleaning! Even today I wasn’t scheduled, had my kids, but came in to help for a few hours because an ETL asked me to because they were so overwhelmed. I spent more time telling this TL my location than actually working. What do I do?
Do you hear this TL calling other TMs on the walkie a lot? Some leaders are just like that, they are micro-managers. So annoying. I would observe and see if they treat other TMs this way before taking it personally.
documenting is a two way street. Like others said, see if there’s a pattern of bias, if confirmed, proceed with personal animosities.
Sometimes it's not about you.
Sometimes, they are just jerks.
The other thing I would try to notice is if the TL plays favorites. If you're not one of the favorites, there are probably other TMs who aren't either, and receive the same treatment you do.
Document, document, document: date & time, just the facts with no opinions.
If they are only checking in on you then sure but I've had some tls in the past that I worked with and worked for that just micromanage everyone to death
We have a TL that does this to fellow TL's. I don't know how there has been no repercussion (and perhaps I just am not aware of them...though the behavior continues) for what comes across to every tm in the store as utter disrespect for the integrity and abilities of the other TL's.
I’m a 37 year old business professional that’s been in retail for 19 years. I’ve been at Target for almost 2 months. There’s this TL that just seems like she doesn’t like me or wants to get me fired. I don’t get it… I put 10x more effort than the teenagers that work in my area and even spend a lot of time off the clock studying the brands we sell so I can make better recommendations. All the other TL love me. But this one is constantly checking in on where I am & what I’m doing. If it’s slow, I’m dusting and cleaning! Even today I wasn’t scheduled, had my kids, but came in to help for a few hours because an ETL asked me to because they were so overwhelmed. I spent more time telling this TL my location than actually working. What do I do?

You brought your kids into work so they could help out? I cry BS 🐧
We had one. A man hater. She was so fucking stupid and screwed up in the head it's a wonder she had a job. Nit picked every single move and jealous of those TM's who had normal lives and regular family dynamics. She dug her own grave eventually. She was the only TL in the entire store for 8 years who was hideous. Everyone else was fine. We had some terrific ETL's, TL's and an intelligent, fair and hardworking STL. I kinda miss the old crew.
Document everything!!! Even if it’s a quick note in your phone as it may all come into play. Also, it sounds like the TL is threatened. Do they have this issues with anyone else? I would just continue doing what you’re doing, and but just in case document document document document.
Did they give you something to do, and upon completion, you went off on your own to clean? Our TL's only check up on people's locations when they aren't where they are expected to be working. People may mean well, but the TL's may have tasks that need to be completed, and want you to check in with them after you finish one task to set you on another.
You just challenge them to a duel at high noon on the race track. Duels are highly encouraged to resolve disputes, it’s in the name of the company people.

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