Archived What would happen if the hard working team members were moved up to target corporate?

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Jun 4, 2016
For one, I am guessing target would be more friendly when it comes to the way the company treats its employees. I don't know what else would happen, I was wondering what you guys think would happen as well as what you would do in a target corporate position.
I have a friend who worked at a Target store as a regular TM right after college then applied to a job at HQ. He prefers working at HQ to working at a store, but he also really enjoyed his store. From my understanding it is basically unheard of for a regular TM to just apply and get offered a job at HQ, but the store was behind him which I'm sure helped. I wish he would have gotten a job working with store relations or something since he actually knows what it is like to be the lowest level worker. It also sounds like the culture is different at HQ and they treated better, but they do still face pressure. But I think you can deal with pressure and annoying job aspects better if you're making a decent wage. After all the laid off his workload increased a fair amount without added compensation. The stories about the day everyone was laid off were interesting.
I have a friend who worked at a Target store as a regular TM right after college then applied to a job at HQ. He prefers working at HQ to working at a store, but he also really enjoyed his store. From my understanding it is basically unheard of for a regular TM to just apply and get offered a job at HQ, but the store was behind him which I'm sure helped. I wish he would have gotten a job working with store relations or something since he actually knows what it is like to be the lowest level worker. It also sounds like the culture is different at HQ and they treated better, but they do still face pressure. But I think you can deal with pressure and annoying job aspects better if you're making a decent wage. After all the laid off his workload increased a fair amount without added compensation. The stories about the day everyone was laid off were interesting.
Is the tm still with spot Corp?
In my dreams, I would sit down with all of corporate and say, "Hey guys, has it ever occurred to us that maybe REDcards don't make people shop and spend more at Target, but rather people who shop and spend more at Target are more likely to sign up for REDcards?"
I'm still not buying that the whole 'REDcards drive sales' mindset isn't actually the result of misinterpreting sales data as coming from causation, not correlation.
But if I said that to anyone at my store I'm fairly certain I'd be tarred and feathered.
They would spend their day explaining how things really work in stores because of no payroll, poor communication and poor leadership.
In my dreams, I would sit down with all of corporate and say, "Hey guys, has it ever occurred to us that maybe REDcards don't make people shop and spend more at Target, but rather people who shop and spend more at Target are more likely to sign up for REDcards?"
I'm still not buying that the whole 'REDcards drive sales' mindset isn't actually the result of misinterpreting sales data as coming from causation, not correlation.
But if I said that to anyone at my store I'm fairly certain I'd be tarred and feathered.
THIS!!!! I've been saying this for a long time and my best guess is it is exactly true.
In my dreams, I would sit down with all of corporate and say, "Hey guys, has it ever occurred to us that maybe REDcards don't make people shop and spend more at Target, but rather people who shop and spend more at Target are more likely to sign up for REDcards?"
I'm still not buying that the whole 'REDcards drive sales' mindset isn't actually the result of misinterpreting sales data as coming from causation, not correlation.
But if I said that to anyone at my store I'm fairly certain I'd be tarred and feathered.
Truth be told, I'd really like to get some hard statistics to see how much Redcards factor in when it comes to driving loyalty and sales. It often seems like there are guests who are deterred from coming back due to the aggression of driving Redcard applications. Of course that's almost impossible to quantify and put on paper unless you do a poll or something, but yeah.
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