Archived What's coaching? Was I coached today or was just told not to do it again? What the hell happened?

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Aug 23, 2014
So today after I took my break, my TL was waiting for me outside the breakroom, very dead serious looking.

The conversation went like this.

TL: What time did you punch in yesterday?
Me: At 3:55AM
TL: What time did you punch for lunch?
Me: At 9:55AM
TL: You missed a meal. (Sort of I'm going to kill you voice tone)
At this point I was confused and I didn't know what she was talking about, so I replied
Me:No, I did not. I did take my lunch, 30 minutes, started my lunch at 9:55Am, and ended it at 10:26AM
TL: Still the system marked it as missed meal.
Me: Don't the instructions next to the time clock machine says 6 hours of work then lunch?
TL: Yeah but you cannot do it just exactly. I'm being hit right now for it (I don't know what she meant by "Being hit"?

Then I just told her I was sorry and I'm not going to do it again, but still I'm confused can anyone explain? Also well I haven't being sent lunch that much, so I don't really know how this works, it's very odd when I'm sent to lunch.
You need to punch out for a lunch break BY 6 hours. IE: If you start at 3:55, you need to punch out for your lunch BEFORE 9:55. So Technically 9:54 would have worked, but it's always best to be safe and aim for between the 3 and 5 hour mark of hours worked during your shift (the recommended time for a meal break, if i remember correctly.)
. You definitely did hit compliance, it is always best to take your 30 long before your 6th hour, so by your 5th is probably the safest bet.
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Yea this results in corrective action at every store I've ever been in. You did hit compliance. At Targets in my state, 5 hours is the limit and it counts as a missed lunch right when it hits 5 hours.
Always take your lunch by the 5th hour.

Case closed.
Uh, do the rules for this vary by state? Here we have to go before our 5th hour.
This. Just go to lunch at your 5th hour. I really don't get how people hit compliance
They hit it bc they are working hard, and probably no one is was able to cover the phone. Now i just take the phone with me if no one can take it. I went over by 3 minutes bc i was helping a guest
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The one time I ever hit compliance, it was because I got sucked into electronics during the holidays. I was covering the electronics TM's break, and after he got back, I couldn't get away to take lunch before the 6-hour mark.
You need to punch out for a lunch break BY 6 hours. IE: If you start at 3:55, you need to punch out for your lunch BEFORE 9:55. So Technically 9:54 would have worked, but it's always best to be safe and aim for between the 3 and 5 hour mark of hours worked during your shift (the recommended time for a meal break, if i remember correctly.)

This right here... Apparently you missed the part about clocking out for your meals before 6 hours OP 😉
I hit compliance once because the time advanced AS I was clocking out for lunch. Never again. I try to take lunch after 4 hours but at least 15 minutes before the 5th. It just breaks up the shift a little more evenly.

Same question, different conditions:

I was stacking boxes and slapping salvage labels on a pallet yesterday and I was lazy and in a hurry so I stepped up onto a collapsed cardboard cage to sticker the back items. ETL-LOG walks within eyeshot and sees me. He says "there's no excuse for doing that" and I reply "and I'm not going to try and make up one." Personally I think it should just be left at that. It's not like I was abusing powered equipment or tossing babies into the compactor. I'm usually a safe TM, but I was in a hurry to go home.

Do you think it warrants a formal coaching or should we all just move on? I guess we'll find out tomorrow if I will continue to seek advancement opportunities with Spot or if I will seek those opportunities elsewhere (by looking for a new job since I'll be on CCA and can't advance).
Ok so today was a great day anyways. I worked 8.75 hours and well the HR girl had me sign a form related with the hit compliance, I talked to my ETL-LOG about it and he said it wasn't my fault, it was the SrTL because it was 9:45 and she should've sent me to lunch anyways regardless of whatever, but no she made me do another basket of pulls. Other than that it was an excellent day at work.
Compliance is a really serious matter.. Only because Target pays like $10,000/person that hits compliance. You become a liability when it happens.
Compliance is a really serious matter.. Only because Target pays like $10,000/person that hits compliance. You become a liability when it happens.

Pretty sure that is false... Target doesn't "pay" anything for TMs who hit compliance, it just dings Target on their internal reports.

The reason they're so strict about it is because they don't want a TM opening a lawsuit against Target claiming they're not receiving their breaks. Then yes - Target could be paying out thousands of dollars...

By Target slapping you on the wrist when you miss compliance, they are covering their ass so you can't go shouting off that Target isn't giving you your meal break.
I hit compliance once because the time advanced AS I was clocking out for lunch. Never again. I try to take lunch after 4 hours but at least 15 minutes before the 5th. It just breaks up the shift a little more evenly.

Same question, different conditions:

I was stacking boxes and slapping salvage labels on a pallet yesterday and I was lazy and in a hurry so I stepped up onto a collapsed cardboard cage to sticker the back items. ETL-LOG walks within eyeshot and sees me. He says "there's no excuse for doing that" and I reply "and I'm not going to try and make up one." Personally I think it should just be left at that. It's not like I was abusing powered equipment or tossing babies into the compactor. I'm usually a safe TM, but I was in a hurry to go home.

Do you think it warrants a formal coaching or should we all just move on? I guess we'll find out tomorrow if I will continue to seek advancement opportunities with Spot or if I will seek those opportunities elsewhere (by looking for a new job since I'll be on CCA and can't advance).

If you're usually a pretty safe, smart, and well-liked team member, him saying "you can't do that" is probably the only slap on the wrist you're going to get. If it looked pretty dangerous from his eyes or he doesn't think too highly of you, odds are you'd probably get coached for it. If I were in his shoes, I would probably give you an informal coaching because you're definitely at risk of falling and hurting yourself.
I hit compliance once. But then I did a punch correction to avoid which seems to be something no one here does
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