Archived What's Target external?

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Backroom TM
Aug 19, 2017
I've seen a new face on our team these last few days. Today he was in the backroom and asked me some questions about the audits. When I asked him what work center he was hired for he responded that he was "external." What exactly does that mean?
I've only heard external when they speak of new TLs who got promoted from work outside the company
I don't think he's a vendor he was in red and khaki and he's been here about a week now. I was also thinking maybe someone from another store training to be a TL but wasn't sure.
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Yeah, the only thing I can think of is he misunderstood you and thought you were asking where he came from, not what his job was.
That is the the only way 'external', meaning hire would make sense.
I mean if he was an infiltrater hes done one heck of a good job at it, even the logistics ETL was answering his questions. I'm assuming it was as Commiecorvus said, he must have misunderstood what I was asking.
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