Archived What's that about? Weird scheduling.

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Nov 9, 2015
One of my ETLs asked if I'd like to work a couple electronics shifts, Tuesday and Wednesday. I checked my scheduled online and I'm keyed in both days as a cashier. What gives? Is that to save hardlines hours by taking some from front lanes? Or do they not need me in elec anymore and are just tossing me on the lanes? Anyone have a similar issue?
I can't imagine that you'll just be a cashier in electronics, it's probably either that they haven't changed the workcenter or they are doing it to save hardline hours.
ASANTS but we always put a cashier in electronics in December. Usually not until closer to Christmas or on the weekends though.
I'm always being scheduled for the cafe but the cafe will already be covered and I'm really a CA incognito.
I can't imagine that you'll just be a cashier in electronics, it's probably either that they haven't changed the workcenter or they are doing it to save hardline hours.
That's what I'm figuring.
For a couple of weeks, I was getting some really odd shifts. Sr.TL told me he wanted everybody cross trained but that made no sense. Why put strangers into SL who don't know where anything goes? It takes him/her twice as long to zone or do reshop. I then heard from the HR intern that the real reason was to help me get my hours. I guess this was done for a few people who generally worked 35-40 hours. Without those extra shifts, I'd have been down to about 22.
I've got a few logistics training shifts this week and have been told this means "pushing pulls"
I can't imagine that you'll just be a cashier in electronics, it's probably either that they haven't changed the workcenter or they are doing it to save hardline hours.
We have cashiers in electronics now. Sole purpose is to cash people out. They're told to not leave the register. Try to help the guests as much as possible from the boat.
We have cashiers in electronics now. Sole purpose is to cash people out. They're told to not leave the register. Try to help the guests as much as possible from the boat.

This month that makes sense especially on a weekend.
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