There's a cart attendant that smells like ass sweat. He's just so fucking gross. He's overweight....which...isn't the gross part, but it seems to cause his grossness. He sweats a lot. But he's un-showered on top of the sweatiness, so that causes odor. His hands are dirty, so when he wipes his sweat, it makes brown streaks on his face, and it makes his clothes brown too. He sags his pants to look cool, but considering how much he sweats, I think the lack of pants covering his butt, causes butt demons to come out. His general mannerisms enhance the unappeal. He snorts, and talks with a lot of saliva in his mouth. He doesn't have a hairstyle. He wears his reflective vest all lop sided and twisted. He's just gross. Is this all mean? Perhaps. I'd certainly never say anything like this to him, good indicator that this is probably mean. But godammit. There is just no excuse for this stench and dirtiness. I know for a fact that this isn't caused by a lack of money or resources. He's just a smelly guy that doesn't give a fuck about hygiene. It's one thing to just be sweaty, or to even have BO. But to be sweaty and that make you smell like fart and salt? GROSS! WTF!