Archived What's the max for Vac & PH?

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Hasta Ba Rista, Baby!
Jun 9, 2011
What's the maximum you can accumulate for vacation & personal holidays?
So far I've racked up 2 weeks but, going into Q4, I'm not sure when or if I'll be able to use it. How much before you start losing it?
Vacation and personal hour accrual depend on your position and length of service with Target. Your best bet is to check with Ehr or call HROC - yup, they are no longer called TMSC -- new name is Human Resources Operations Center. Same number 1-800-394-1885.

The longer you have been with Target, the more hours you will get and the faster those hours add up.

Once you get to the top accrual you won't get any more vac or per until you use some. For most tm, not a problem.

My advice, always use PH first. If for some reason you quit or are termed, the vacation will be paid out to you in full on your last paycheck, PH you will lose.

Let me know if this didn't answer your question adequately.
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It might differ for others but I think the stopping point for vacation hours is 240.
Vacation maxes out at twice your annual accrual rate. If you've worked there less than 5(10 for TM?) years I believe the rate is 2 weeks, so your maximum would be 4 weeks = 160 hours. Team leads/people with more seniority would max higher.
Vacation and personal hour accrual depend on your position and length of service with Target. Your best bet is to check with Ehr or call HROC - yup, they are no longer called TMSC -- new name is Human Resources Operations Center. Same number 1-800-394-1885.

When that name change happen?
Thx, Annie. As a TM w/5+ they confirmed the max is 160 on Vay-cay but I'm still checking on PH.
Vacation and personal hour accrual depend on your position and length of service with Target. Your best bet is to check with Ehr or call HROC - yup, they are no longer called TMSC -- new name is Human Resources Operations Center. Same number 1-800-394-1885.

Has anyone been able to confirm this??? NO ONE in our store knows a thing about it. I'm a doubter.....
HROC...sounds like the noise my cat makes as she barfs up a hairball.

]Has anyone been able to confirm this??? NO ONE in our store knows a thing about it. I'm a doubter.....[/Q]

time will tell - and it always takes time for the message to get around.
Don't want to hijack your thread, but I've worked about 3 years at Target and I've only racked up 5.9 Vac hours. Even though my next paycheck said ~60 hours, I got no vac :-(

Good stuff here, I'm curious about vac hours, I no if you happen to leave Target for any reason, u get all those vac hours on your last paycheck (happened to my friend once)
How many hours do you usually average a week? I believe you only accrue vacation hours if you average a certain amount of hours.
Don't want to hijack your thread, but I've worked about 3 years at Target and I've only racked up 5.9 Vac hours. Even though my next paycheck said ~60 hours, I got no vac :-(

Go on ehr, ck your paystub & it will tell how many hours you have so far. Look use my ph/vacation under max, it will tell you there too.
Also, ask your hr.

Good stuff here, I'm curious about vac hours, I no if you happen to leave Target for any reason, u get all those vac hours on your last paycheck (happened to my friend once)

Yes, you will get paid for vacation if you leave spot.
Don't want to hijack your thread, but I've worked about 3 years at Target and I've only racked up 5.9 Vac hours. Even though my next paycheck said ~60 hours, I got no vac :-(

Good stuff here, I'm curious about vac hours, I no if you happen to leave Target for any reason, u get all those vac hours on your last paycheck (happened to my friend once)

Talk to your HR exec. Same goes to OP, but I believe the question was answered already.
questions about vacation, personal holiday, and national holiday pay are best handled by calling the Team Member Service Center (recently renamed the Human Resources Operational Center) 800-394-1885 M-F 7a-7p CT These things can vary depending on time in position, years with the company, job title, pay grade, etc. therefore answers most appropriately provided by the TMSC/HROC
TMSC/HROC is there for this specific purpose. HR's can be quite busy, rather than wait for them, the TMSC/HROC is available 7 am to 7 pm Mon-Fri. 800-394-1885 Alot of answers to questions are available on eHR either from work or home too
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