Archived What's the max pay you can make as a TM? In CA to be specific

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in 2008 I started out as a TPS @ $9.25/hr and after 6 years I was at $15.03/hr. Took me 6 years to get there with target, staying as a TPS.
Started a new job at $17.32/hr earlier this year. Point is, if you stay with Target, you'll NEVER get to a great wage if you just wait for the yearly merits. You need to branch out and try new companies. The min wage will raise faster than your yearly raises, and you'll be at the same wage as new TM's.

You could even go to Wal-Mart in the same TM position and start at a higher wage. I think they pay minimum $10/hr across the board.

Take a good look around. How many long-term employees are really left? Most already jumped ship and there has been a massive brain-drain that went with them. This company is NOT a long-term investment. There is no loyalty. You are an expense and liability. Your TL's/ETL's will change and everyone will move on. Question is, how long will you ride the carousel?
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I have been with Spot for over 19 years. I was " capped " out about 10 years ago and still receive some kind of increase every year. I am not saying its a lot but its still an increase. You do not have to get an Ex or O to get a raise after you are capped out .
I know someone who has worked there 10 years making 10.50 and another that has been there for 13 years making 12$
LOL, $20 an hour.....You could work for the spot for 25+ years and I wouldn't foresee you making more than $10/hour as a regular TM to be quite honest. With .04 to .10 cent yearly raises, you'd be extremely lucky to make anything more than $10-$14/hour over a 10-ish year period.
Currently making $13.25 after 15 years in California. When I started minimum wage was $6.75 and Target started us at $7. My raises like the rest of the store were good at $0.65 to $0.75 but it went to shit when they started the percentage raises.
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