Archived Where did these reports go?

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The HR life for me
Sep 27, 2012
Since we adopted workday I’ve lost track of where to print some reports. I never got trained on workday. My ETL-HR told me to click around and figure it out myself 😳 Come to find out they don’t know how to use it much either. Every time I call HROC I get told to check the job aids in workday.

Help! Thanks!
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These reports should be in Workday. Use the search function to locate them.
Click the gear icon on the Workday homepage and add the Reports Worklet to your dashboard so you can just click on it anytime you want the main report list (there are over 400, but obviously not all are used at the store level.) Otherwise as mentioned previously you can search for a specific report by name in the search bar. I’d also recommend adding the common report names to whatever routines list you have for easy reference. You can then share this with your leader to help better educate them since they don’t seem to know much. As far as help from HROC, they are instructed to tell everyone to “use the job aides” even though some of them have incorrect information or have confusing instructions. If you’re stuck on something and have to call, tell them the job aides didn’t help and they should help you further, but it depends on who you get. The good agents over there will even remote in to your computer and give you an interactive lesson on how to do certain Workday transactions. Good luck!
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