Who builds furniture/infant displays at your store these days?

Sep 12, 2019
Do presentation TMs even get hours to build all these displays anymore? I'm drowning in them and have asked for hours but barely get enough to do them. It's taking a lot of space and I honestly just feel like sweeping it all.
PML here. It is supposed to be whoever sets the POG or DBO. I will help out and build what I can if I don't have a large amount of workload. Targets belief is that DBOs should know how to build them so if a guest has questions they can answer it. I still feel any wood displays should be PML build.
I haven't built anything in months, but we haven't had any new displays in several months either. It should fall to whoever sets the pog/revision to also build the display.

We had a whole new infant focal displays a month ago now we getting like 8 or so floor lamps and counting. I still have furniture to build from the last transition because they decide to send them late.
🤔 Well you both have me wondering if I missed something on my infant furniture revisions (I'm DBO in that area). But I haven't received any new displays so I don't think I did.....
Our store received displays for the infant furniture set but the Plano TM who set the focal for me informed me that the PML was supposed to build the displays. They are still sitting in the steel almost two months later.
So is 2.5 hours a fair number to set 2 floor lamp aisles? Includes auditing old displays, building 9 new displays and securing them, plus putting up 3x5 signs?
PML: not me either. The transition guide will say who gets the hours to do it.
The floor lamp displays are all out of whack this year! I mean usually it is, but it worst this year. About 70% is discontinued/not located. Some display labels will have DPCI # in the description that don't match correctly with what we actually carry so making 3x5 sign is a bit tricky. Some discontinued displays are coming up carry forward and new displays for lamps that we don't even carry instore like WTF.
The floor lamp displays are all out of whack this year! I mean usually it is, but it worst this year. About 70% is discontinued/not located. Some display labels will have DPCI # in the description that don't match correctly with what we actually carry so making 3x5 sign is a bit tricky. Some discontinued displays are coming up carry forward and new displays for lamps that we don't even carry instore like WTF.

Lol, yup, that sounds about right for those pogs! 😆

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