Recently, I've noticed that there have been a few instances where a booster attempted to lift one or more vacuums and in both instances, they weren't spider-wrapped. In one instance, I guest serviced them at self-checkout, the guest says no thanks and they attempt to leave with the vacuum before the ETL-AP stopped them at the doors.
The booster questioned the price when "forced" to scan their vacuum and complained that it was a lower price on the shelf but ETL-AP wouldn't budge so I don't think that they ended up buying it. This got me wondering if this could be a strategy boosters use on expensive items that are spider-wrapped or otherwise protected. Would they scan it, complain about the price and change their mind after the protection has been removed and attempt to come back another time in order to lift those items?
I've been wondering about that as a possible explanation for the inconsistencies in some of the vacuums/coffee makers/other expensive items being protected but not others. I don't even know if there is a process for re-applying merchandise protection after it was taken from the salesfloor. Who would be responsible for that?
Sorry if this isn't the right thread for it but I've been curious about this for a while, hoping to get some thoughts about this.