Archived Whoops! Message!

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Nov 9, 2012
So yesterday, my TL was messaging another TL about his reviews he was completing with the merit raises and such. Instead of messaging the intended TL the message was sent to me, complaining "shes making such and such amount", Adding to the message "more than such amount". Then a response of "whoops, meant to send that to so and so". He spent the entire day trying to cover his ass, telling me why they were talking about what I was making "comparing the new raises with merit increases". My last review he complained that I was making more than a TL (who was hired on and been with target for 3 years)
Is it wrong of me to be angry?
Angry, at the fact that I can tell he is annoyed at what I make when I am only a TM? I had my pay cut too when I was dropped from a TL. I know I make more than the average TM, but I have held two team lead positions in the past, that were cut due to TL headcount being too high. Hell, I am even on the bench now awaiting a spot still and been with Target for almost 8 years. (Sorry I make more than a TL who was hired on as a TL and has only been with target for 3 years!) I bust my ass everyday, work long days, and rearrange my schedule almost anytime for them. Ughhhhh......
Yep, the evidence is on the phone @marionettex1 has since their TL sent them the text instead of the intended TL. It will have that TL's phone number which should match up with what is on file for that TL.

Edit: sorry, just assumed it to be a text and OP could specify if it was an IM.
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I have been with Spot for over 18 years. I don't feel guilty about what I make an hour cause like the OP, I bust my ass day in and day out and it has taken me 18 years to make what I make. Lets face it etls, stls ( most of them) talk crap about tms behind their backs ( hell we talk crap about them behind their back so I guess we are even). So, with that being said, I would be upset if I had gotten the email meant for someone else. I would be upset for the emails content and the fact that the TL is so carelessly throwing someone info around ( ie your hourly rate) and on top of that couldn't even send it to the right person. I really would care less that the TL is upset at what I made an hour ...however, sending the email to the wrong person I would take issue with that.
Well, damn. I think that would piss me off more than a email. I would def see what HR had to say about it .

@tgtguy I know! my phone went off 5 times and I was like who the hell? ( I do not ever receive that many texts a day ) Haha I'm one of the few people who would rather call than send a thousand text messages trying to explain something.
Yeah, I'm going to....I doubt my etl hr will do anything though. She doesn't like confrontation....and honestly doesn't do much to solve any issues.
@tgtguy I know! my phone went off 5 times and I was like who the hell? ( I do not ever receive that many texts a day ) Haha I'm one of the few people who would rather call than send a thousand text messages trying to explain something.
Yeah, I'm going to....I doubt my etl hr will do anything though. She doesn't like confrontation....and honestly doesn't do much to solve any issues.

They might not do anything but you should still report it.
What they did was not only completely unprofessional but out of line.
If you find yourself in a position where they are trying to performance you out that will serve as proof of intent.
I wou
So yesterday, my TL was messaging another TL about his reviews he was completing with the merit raises and such. Instead of messaging the intended TL the message was sent to me, complaining "shes making such and such amount", Adding to the message "more than such amount". Then a response of "whoops, meant to send that to so and so". He spent the entire day trying to cover his ass, telling me why they were talking about what I was making "comparing the new raises with merit increases". My last review he complained that I was making more than a TL (who was hired on and been with target for 3 years)
Is it wrong of me to be angry?
Angry, at the fact that I can tell he is annoyed at what I make when I am only a TM? I had my pay cut too when I was dropped from a TL. I know I make more than the average TM, but I have held two team lead positions in the past, that were cut due to TL headcount being too high. Hell, I am even on the bench now awaiting a spot still and been with Target for almost 8 years. (Sorry I make more than a TL who was hired on as a TL and has only been with target for 3 years!) I bust my ass everyday, work long days, and rearrange my schedule almost anytime for them. Ughhhhh......
l would call the hotline. It's agasint policy for them to discuss your wage.
Tell the hr or Stl first. The first solution should never jump straight to hotline. Esp since there's no way to hide your identity from this situation anyway.

I agree, if your HR-ETL won't take action, I would talk to your STL as well.
It's not against the rules for your TLs to know your wage. Hello, they are the ones who deliver your reviews. It is unprofessional for them to discuss it in that manner. If they were discussing your wage through work email, then that would be allowed although it's kind of odd. How much our tms earn isn't really an interesting topic for discussion.

But for them to discuss it through text (not on phones provided by the company even) is taking confidential information out of the security of the workplace. That is against policy.
if you are upset then go to your STL, that is rediculous I mean if your going to talk about soneone behind thier back then at lest doubke check the recipients.
Actually, it is against policy to discuss other people's wages, unless it is absolutely on a need to know basis. And, you sure as hell are not supposed to text any sort of info like that. I would go to ETL-HR or STL first. Calling the hotline without following protocol puts a target on your back. (No pun intended.)
Actually, it is against policy to discuss other people's wages, unless it is absolutely on a need to know basis. And, you sure as hell are not supposed to text any sort of info like that. I would go to ETL-HR or STL first. Calling the hotline without following protocol puts a target on your back. (No pun intended.)
You might want to review the new handbook.
So, they don't protect our team members' privacy anymore? How sad. What ever happened to having morals and ethics?
Just like integrity training form.
From thread about pay.

According to the handbook, you can discuss your pay.
You can discuss your pay, and they legally can't stop you or punish you for doing so. But at my store they were pretty clear with us not to do it. I just don't see the need to be the trouble maker, so I let it go...let it go...

Retail Girl, Mar 1, 2015
Morals and ethics from Spot? The entire company is immoral & corrupt and has been for some time. Frankly I'm shocked when something, anything positive does happen.

How right you are! I just thought this was one area in which we could keep our integrity. I would never disclose my team's pay info, unless it was on a need to know basis. That's just dirty!
Using a non-Target approved device to discuss information that has not been released yet. This was basically the entire point of all the integrity training we've gotten over the last few months.

But judging from the text messages, it seems like they were just simply discussing merit increases...which is fine as long as it's on approved Target networks or face to face.
Just like integrity training form.
From thread about pay.

According to the handbook, you can discuss your pay.
You can discuss your pay, and they legally can't stop you or punish you for doing so. But at my store they were pretty clear with us not to do it. I just don't see the need to be the trouble maker, so I let it go...let it go...

Retail Girl, Mar 1, 2015
You can discuss YOUR pay. Not other people's pay via your personal phone. The tl giving the review should not have showed or discusses it with anyone else.
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