Nonetheless I'm stoked! 🙂 I've sort-of inherited a hot-mess over in Starbucks and am anxious for any tips/tricks for persuasion to, oh I don't know, have them do their job correctly and make a cohesive team. I'm in my barista training now and will begin leadership training towards the end of the month.
I guess I should rephrase that. To be fair, they've been on their own for months now. Their old TL abandoned ship and I don't have the whole story, but they weren't specific as to when or if they would return to the department. On top of that, the store has had 5 ETL GE's in the past year. So they have had no leadership and what who they could come to with questions/concerns has been constantly changing. But there is some new TM's who have enjoyed the lack of a TL around or never knew it.