Archived Will I get fired or in any trouble for going to lunch a minute late?

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So I should be fine going to lunch at 11:46 AM today? I clocked in at 6 AM and they say I have until 11:45 AM to go to lunch, So is it ok that I clocked out to lunch at 11:46 AM today?

If you are in a 6 hour state, then yes, as you would have to go to lunch before 12 noon. If a 5 hour state, you hit compliance.
If you are in a 6 hour state, then yes, as you would have to go to lunch before 12 noon. If a 5 hour state, you hit compliance.
They empathasize that the latest we have until is 11:45 AM though........ Lunch is 5 and a half hours after clocking in, max limit is 5 hours 45 minutes. But now, my understanding is they say it’s 5 hours 45 minutes max because if someone goes over 6 Hours Target has to pay a $10,000 fine.
They empathasize that the latest we have until is 11:45 AM though........ Lunch is 5 and a half hours after clocking in, max limit is 5 hours 45 minutes. But now, my understanding is they say it’s 5 hours 45 minutes max because if someone goes over 6 Hours Target has to pay a $10,000 fine.

Find out for sure from your TL or HR if you hit compliance at 5 hours 45 minutes or 6 hours exactly. Then don't do it again.
They empathasize that the latest we have until is 11:45 AM though........ Lunch is 5 and a half hours after clocking in, max limit is 5 hours 45 minutes. But now, my understanding is they say it’s 5 hours 45 minutes max because if someone goes over 6 Hours Target has to pay a $10,000 fine.

Like others have said already, Texas is a 6th hour lunch state. Your store just told you guys that it is 5 hours and 45 minutes because people like to cut it too close to the max time to clock out. Your situation is a good example. Imagine if you went over 1 minute at the 6th hour instead of the max time that they told you. Then, you really would have hit meal compliance.
Like others have said already, Texas is a 6th hour lunch state. Your store just told you guys that it is 5 hours and 45 minutes because people like to cut it too close to the max time to clock out. Your situation is a good example. Imagine if you went over 1 minute at the 6th hour instead of the max time that they told you. Then, you really would have hit meal compliance.

Yea. I usually start trying to go at my 4th hour, so that if there isn't coverage in electronics at my lunch time, I can figure out how to get it. I'd never wait until 15 before my fifth to try and go, that's just trouble. Especially because I work in California. Our ETL-HR says to go by 30 minutes to the fifth at the latest.
Can attest that Texas is a 6 hr state so you wouldn't be in peril until you hit 12:00.
More likely your store instituted a 5:45 rule to keep TMs away from non-compliance.
If they don't say anything, don't mention it but DO set your alarm on your phone to keep you from doing it again.
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Can attest that Texas is a 6 hr state so you wouldn't be in peril until you hit 12:00.
More likely your store instituted a 5:45 rule to keep TMs away from non-compliance.
If they don't say anything, don't mention it but DO set your alarm on your phone to keep you from doing it again.
Can I still get in trouble by the store even though I didn’t hit actual compliance, but I hit their rule? Or will they probably ignore it since it’s only a minute after and not over actual compliance?
Depends on how rigorous your store enforces it.
Since you didn't 'actually' hit compliance, I'd think they'd simply warn you not to cut it so close as 'their policy' isn't in the official handbook.
Either way, I wouldn't say anything unless THEY do.
To the op, we understand your life stresses. Make a few changes at spot to avoid compliance, go at 5 hours, instead. Communicate when you go to lunch with your tl. It will show that you make an effort to avoid compliance.
I thought California was the most lenient state due to being the most liberal state. I’m in Texas, so maybe I’m ok?
Texas is a six hour state not a five and a half hour one. If you clocked in at 6 am, and you went to lunch at 11:45 am you didnt go into compliance. All you did was activate the notification.
Can I still get in trouble by the store even though I didn’t hit actual compliance, but I hit their rule? Or will they probably ignore it since it’s only a minute after and not over actual compliance?
NO. However, if you are under 90 then yes they can move you on for any reason.
I do not recommend it either. We pull a report every day that specifically lists everyone who "forgets" to clock out for their lunch.

So I guess that is how the one HR girl always knew when our ETL input the wrong hours and what not because we would clock in by hitting the start meal because it was easier for her to fix it then to wait for an LOD to come punch us in
So I guess that is how the one HR girl always knew when our ETL input the wrong hours and what not because we would clock in by hitting the start meal because it was easier for her to fix it then to wait for an LOD to come punch us in

Yes, we HR gals and guys, always know. 😉

We have many types of reports. More than one give us names of people who have missed punches. Also, myTime gives us a list of people who need punch corrections as well. We can pull anyone's time card as far back as when myTime first launched to see if anyone worked their scheduled shift, skipped punches, and more...

While it is more convenient to fix punches by doing Start Meal instead, it may show up as strange activity to the people at Spot's homebase. I would rather have an LOD override the time clock than get unnecessarily suspected of anything. Even if you are innocent, it will probably be a crappy experience to get questioned (you probably know exactly what I am talking about since you work in AP).
Yes, we HR gals and guys, always know. 😉

We have many types of reports. More than one give us names of people who have missed punches. Also, myTime gives us a list of people who need punch corrections as well. We can pull anyone's time card as far back as when myTime first launched to see if anyone worked their scheduled shift, skipped punches, and more...

While it is more convenient to fix punches by doing Start Meal instead, it may show up as strange activity to the people at Spot's homebase. I would rather have an LOD override the time clock than get unnecessarily suspected of anything. Even if you are innocent, it will probably be a crappy experience to get questioned (you probably know exactly what I am talking about since you work in AP).

Yeah the ETL at the time was just messed up the times or something but even though me and the other tps at the time worked a pretty set week
Besides complaince if going to lunch a smidge late makes the floor not covered then its an issue if its a constant thing. Breathe and try to find some sort of escape from your home life in work. I put on my NPC persona at work and pretend I dont have a home life it its to messy. Like this past few months have been. All we minows need to worry about is greet the guest I usually smile and say hi how are ya and get them what they need and on their way. Those big fish can play with the sharks we just ride the waves and laugh.
My life issues flow into everything, they’re LIFE ISSUES.

The problem is that unless you work someplace like I do where the people specialize in helping with jobs and disabilities, most jobs really don't give a damn about your life issues.
They want you to show up on time, do your job and not make complications.
If you need reasonable accommodations to do your job due to your disability (yes, depression is a disability) then they want you to fill out all the paperwork and make as little trouble as you can.
Their job is to make money for their owners and stockholders.
They care nothing about you.
Your job is to keep your head above water and take care of your issues.
Get some help, get backup, get some support.
But most of all...

Illegitimi non carborundum
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