Archived Will I go into Compliance?

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Aug 23, 2014
Here in Oregon, we are required to take a lunch every 5 hours. Okay-So my shift was 12:30-7...Because the pharmacy takes a lunch at a set time everyday I took my lunch with them(since I was cashiering) at 1:30pm (Yes...I know very early) But I figured that since I only worked 6.5 hours I would only need to take one lunch and a break. Here's my issue. I was told by a team member I will probably go into compliance 5 hours after I've taken my lunch now-EVEN if I took one too early..Is this true? For some reason I believed as long as I took lunch in the first 5 hours I would be okay.

I'm just nervous because I accidentally went into compliance a week ago within seconds because I was the only cashier in the pharmacy and there was a line....The pharmacy is also in the very back of the store...This would be the second time and I've worked for Target for 8 years but rarely do I ever go into compliance. I've been getting unusually long hours and I'm working in the pharmacy which can be very challenging with time.
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I am 60% sure that it is based of length of shift. When you take lunch doesn't matter as long as you take it. At least that how it works for me. For example if i get an 11 hour shift, I always take my lunch on my 5th hour and I have never hit compliance.
Pretty sure that's compliance. I was scheduled for 7 one day, took my meal at the 4th hour, then was extended so it was an 11 and I did have to take a second meal because I took my meal "early." So I was working for more than 6 consecutive hours (it's 6 hours for a meal over here)

But I guess that part could differ by state? Not sure.
Thankyou for responding. I realize that this is my responsibility; I just wish it didn't happen so close to my last compliance. I am so nervous about getting written up/Corrective Action since I have been at Target for a long time and I will be getting licensed for the Pharmacy Technician. Working as a front end cashier we never get shifts long enough to require a lunch so we never have issues. But the pharmacy hours are so much longer and it is so busy and hectic. I already initialed a form last week but not sure what the next action will be.
The pharmacist should be helping to keep you off of compliance, as should your front end.

I'd be sure to express it that you didn't know. Do they close the pharmacy totally during lunch? That is strange, just our pharmacist goes during that time... The rest enjoy the fact the phone can't ring and get something done.

I hope it turns out ok!
Here you can't work 6 hours without a lunch.

So, I come in at 8 AM, I am scheduled to work till 4:30, my lunch is at 12:00, if I take it then, and am later requested to stay late, if I stay past 6:30 I require a second lunch since otherwise it'd be six hours past when I clocked back in from lunch.
Here in Oregon, we are required to take a lunch every 5 hours. Okay-So my shift was 12:30-7...Because the pharmacy takes a lunch at a set time everyday I took my lunch with them(since I was cashiering) at 1:30pm (Yes...I know very early) But I figured that since I only worked 6.5 hours I would only need to take one lunch and a break. Here's my issue. I was told by a team member I will probably go into compliance 5 hours after I've taken my lunch now-EVEN if I took one too early..Is this true? For some reason I believed as long as I took lunch in the first 5 hours I would be okay.

I'm just nervous because I accidentally went into compliance a week ago within seconds because I was the only cashier in the pharmacy and there was a line....The pharmacy is also in the very back of the store...This would be the second time and I've worked for Target for 8 years but rarely do I ever go into compliance. I've been getting unusually long hours and I'm working in the pharmacy which can be very challenging with time.

If you took your lunch at 1:30, that means you clocked back in around 2 pm. Five hours later would be 7 pm. As someone else said, it depends on the exact minute you clocked back in from lunch. If you clocked back in at 2:05 pm and clocked out at 7 pm, then you are fine. But if you clocked back in at 2 pm and clocked out even at 7:01 pm, then yes you will be in compliance. Every 5 hours you are required to take a lunch.
Same law here. You can't work 5 hours on the clock consecutively.
If you do that's when you'll hear the "next-day schedule" call for the LOD to deliver that CCA or Final.
It's probably the number one thing we term team members for.
If you wen at 1:30 and punched back in at 2:01 then you would hit compliance at 7:01 but you will probably start showing up on PDA as needing a meal at about 6:30
Check out your states laws on meal breaks for shift hours. Unless there are definate rules, mostly ny and California, target uses the 5 hour rule as their guideline.
One minute or one hour and they treat it the same. Just try to remember that it's always 5 hours after you punch in. Whether it be punching in for a meal or punching in from a break.

Some of the etl's get to bent out of shape about it. I had one say to me - we will get fined by the fed gov if you do that again. I said, no, check the states guidelines. The gov has much more to do then fine target for something that doesn't concern them. Smh.
There are way to many more important things in life then making mountains out of molehills. Granted, I'm sure they had to set up a guideline for the few that a use punches. But each etl should know the facts before they try to scare the crap out of employees who think hitting compliance is going to be the end of the world.
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