Archived Will It Fit In My Car?

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But to continue sitting out there in the rain?
You've probably never had one of those times where you text "I'm ready!" and your ride says they will be there in just a couple of minutes. Then 5 minutes later "Where are you?" "Oh, just around the corner, be there in two minutes." And on and on, and when you at one point text or call "Should I just go back inside and wait?" the answer is "Nope, I will be right there and I don't want to have to wait for you." And an hour late your ride finally shows up, and if you went back in to wait in comfort you get an angry "Where the hell are you? I'm going to leave if you don't get out here right now." And you can't respond in kind because you really will be left.
You've probably never had one of those times where you text "I'm ready!" and your ride says they will be there in just a couple of minutes. Then 5 minutes later "Where are you?" "Oh, just around the corner, be there in two minutes." And on and on, and when you at one point text or call "Should I just go back inside and wait?" the answer is "Nope, I will be right there and I don't want to have to wait for you." And an hour late your ride finally shows up, and if you went back in to wait in comfort you get an angry "Where the hell are you? I'm going to leave if you don't get out here right now." And you can't respond in kind because you really will be left.
No you're right. I've never had one of those.
Maybe he had made an arrangement with someone to pick him and the TV up once he completed the purchase and the person ghosted on him. If plans were in place then he wasn't being an idiot, he simply trusted the wrong person.
"That was the the night Andy Dufresne got dumped by his girlfriend, he had went to Target to buy a new TV for their household but had got into a monstrous fight before leaving that night, she left him and his TV out in that cold rain, but it was still better then that time he had to wade through that tunnel of fecal matter."
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