Archived Won’t download Cartwheel

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Oct 5, 2018
What do you do if someone comes up to guest services saying they want the Cartwheel deal and they don’t have Cartwheel?
Make it right for the guest and honor it. Inform them that next time though, they should use Cartwheel because it'd be a lot easier and there are more deals in there. Plus you also get exclusive deals based on the types of products that you buy. It's literally free real estate money with minimal effort.
I told her that next time Cartwheel is really easy to use and to download. (Honestly I just wanted to say something cause I know some other GS who wouldnt honor it) and she came firing back at me saying she won’t download it and that I should always do it for her and that she’s knows someone in corporate. It’s just called customer service she said too. Went to 100 real quick.
Minor quibble. They aren't downloading Cartwheel. They're downloading the Target app, which contains our Cartwheel digital coupons. I make the distinction because some people still have the old Cartwheel stand-alone app on their phones but it doesn't work because it was discontinued a year ago, and because there are other apps on the Google Play store with Cartwheel in their name (I don't use Apple products to check there).

ASANTS, but at my store we only adjust for a Cartwheel offer for a guest whose phone is dead or who doesn't have a smart phone, and only if it's for one or two items total and I verify the offer using the app on my own phone or a MyDevice. If they have a phone and just haven't downloaded the app, we won't do so (unless the rule has changed in the last couple weeks and nobody told me....). Part of the purpose of the offers is to get them to USE the app. Making it right defeats that purpose.
This is something I think we should have a company wide policy on. Maybe we do? It's happening more and more. Once the holiday season starts it'll be a problem if we're waiting on multiple guests for installations. Cartwheel is very confusing to some guests. Creating the account is what takes the longest. I've had several guests claim not to have email or know the password to their Iphone to install. We always make it right with the guest, but I personally feel like they should be using the app to get the deal. It's almost as if we need a specified person to educate guest how to install and use the app.
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If it was a deal for people who didn't download the app, it would be a regular sale, not a Cartwheel offer. Just saying.

Edit: On the same note, I still don't understand why we have offers that specifically say "ONLINE ONLY" but we let them do it in the store anyway. What's the point of saying "online only" when we "price match" it in the store? Plus, the nice guests assume that "online only" means "online only"...
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I don't think my store honors Cartwheel deals if the guest doesn't have a smartphone. I know I've had several crotchety old ladies ask me about it, I said let me check and paged the GSTL, and he said nope, got to have the app or we can't honor it. That was a while ago though, so its possible they've gone back on that since then
If it was a deal for people who didn't download the app, it would be a regular sale, not a Cartwheel offer. Just saying.

Edit: On the same note, I still don't understand why we have offers that specifically say "ONLINE ONLY" but we let them do it in the store anyway. What's the point of saying "online only" when we "price match" it in the store? Plus, the nice guests assume that "online only" means "online only"...

I don't. If the offer states online only, then it's online only.
Best practice would be (if there's no line): walk the guest through downloading the target app, show them how to add an offer, what that means, etc, and apply it like normal. If there is a line, do as RCJJ says and just honor it and let them know next time they need it.
I should always do it for her and that she’s knows someone in corporate.
I can 99.99% guarantee she DOESN'T know someone in corporate. You shouldn't always do it for her or anyone else. If you really wanted to be snarky (don't recommend), you could go with "oh well do let that person in corporate know that you don't like cartwheel and want it differently, as down here in the store, I can't change anything about our policies!"
If it was a deal for people who didn't download the app, it would be a regular sale, not a Cartwheel offer. Just saying.

Edit: On the same note, I still don't understand why we have offers that specifically say "ONLINE ONLY" but we let them do it in the store anyway. What's the point of saying "online only" when we "price match" it in the store? Plus, the nice guests assume that "online only" means "online only"...
Important note: we price match online PRICE, not online "deals/% off" sales. If it's I'll usually make it right, or if it's a super high value, suggest order pickup.

The reason is a lot of times will have a 10% off code for something that there's a 10% off cartwheel for in store. you can't do both, it's one or the other.
Thanks guys. I guess it freaked me out when she said corporate.. but I guess that was her whole point to scare and belittle me. 😂

I wanted to be snarky but I’m technically seasonal so I’m trying to be a good little employee.
Yeah don’t be snarky then. Don’t ever be scared if a guest threatens corporate. If you followed the policy and were polite about it there’s nothing corporate can do. Call GSTL if situation gets out of hand.
I don't think my store honors Cartwheel deals if the guest doesn't have a smartphone. I know I've had several crotchety old ladies ask me about it, I said let me check and paged the GSTL, and he said nope, got to have the app or we can't honor it. That was a while ago though, so its possible they've gone back on that since then

Ouch. I feel for all the little old people that are technology challenged.
I don't think my store honors Cartwheel deals if the guest doesn't have a smartphone. I know I've had several crotchety old ladies ask me about it, I said let me check and paged the GSTL, and he said nope, got to have the app or we can't honor it. That was a while ago though, so its possible they've gone back on that since then
Ouch. I feel for all the little old people that are technology challenged.
You can also add offers online and print out the barcode
You know someone at Corporate? Good for you! So do I. It's a big place. 99.999% of them can't do shit about a store employee not giving you a Cartwheel discount, even if they wanted to, and it's not like one of the few who could do something about it would bother because their assistant would take your message, roll their eyes and not bother their boss with such petty shit.

Seriously, if someone tried to pull that shit on me that would guarantee the flat stare and "Well, you do what you need to do. Bye" and walk away. I fucking hate people that try to pull that shit.
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