Archived Work relationships Topic

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Interesting topic....A year ago I liked a guy he was on the SF I was on the SF ( he actually still works there) The more I thought about it I thought you know it probably isn't a good idea...... What happens when we start dating and we break up and assuming it is a messy break-up and I have to see his face everyday and the mere sight of him makes me want to puke but of course I cannot quit and I can always switch my schedule around I will still probably see him coming or going anyways bad idea. I am not saying you shouldn't go for it but remember if you break-up and assuming it is a nasty split just remember what could happen but hey it if works out........ 50/50 chance....... There are always those " chances"
I know a team lead that is in a relationship with a guy at my store, and then our cart attendant is dating a girl in a&a (softlines). It happens. The key seems to be saving the lovey dovey part until when you are off the clock. Our cart attendant and the girl that works in softlines didn't really head that warning so now they are scheduled at different times. As a result they hardly work at the same times. Now when one has off, the other is working. It kinda sucks for them.
When a couple of our cashiers were dating, they'd try to take their breaks together.
Breaks were getting longer & longer until they were spotted in his car with fogged up windows after being gone nearly 45 min.
Thereafter, they were scheduled at different times & he eventually got termed for harassing another girl.
My old store has two TLs married, another one dating a GSA. Follow their model and keep focused at work and your relationship at the door(or in this case the timeclock). As for me? I have a few ladies I wouldn't mind having a coffee with, nothing serious though. The great thing about this subject and being an SFT is that I'm outside everyone's alignment in the store, never a conflict. 😀
our store has two sales floor TL's married to backroom TM , a pfresh TL dating a softlines brand for years with the same schedule and taking breaks together , our store doesn't really care .. recently the electronics TL started dating the pfresh assistant and they're trying to keep it hush
Bah. At my store, we have an AP TM dating an electronics TM. No one has said anything.

I'm curious, what about a Sr. TL dating a regular TL? Is that a no-no?
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