Archived Worker group presses Target to boost hourly wage

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There are some things in the works that will make this thread a moot point. No sarcasm. I can't go into a lot of detail here or I'll give away my identity.

Any questions can PM me.

Everyone at the top is putting Target before team and takeing a pay cut so we can hire happy, hard working people and keep turnover low?
Target is healthy financially (though that 4 billion loss in Canada will change things a bit). They can afford to cut there earnings a bit to raise pay. Plus, worker moral will go up, which will increase productivity which means more $$ for spot.
Target being able to afford to give out more money to team members isn't the issue....its the fact that they don't want to.... they could afford to do a lot of things...they just don't do them
It was announced at our huddle target was raising the minimum to $9 an hr and that it would occur over the next 6 wdeks.
But I heard that all new hires start at 9.00 so those who are still making 8.25 as a cashier at my store should quit and get rehired so they can get the 9.00 an hour now.

So now everyone at my store will be making 24 cents less than me and I'm a perishables assistant for 2 years.
If retail is a skilled job then what's considered an unskilled job?

Retail was at one time unskilled but, when workers had to use technology it became what is known as semi-skilled. Pretty much unskilled labor requires no education and no use of tech. So maids, general laborers, crop pickers etc. The use of tech in what was once considefere unskilled labor has reduced the numbers workers but, greatly increased the technical abilities they now have to have.
I make more than minimum, so while appreciate my fellow team members will make more with minimum raised, I don't see higher tiered work center pay being affected, which is a little frustrating

This is the problem. People who have been there 2-3+ years will now be making the same as TMs who are fresh in the door. The only fair way to deal with this is to give all TMs a pay increase. The cost of living affects everyone, not just new hires. Why should the trainer who has been there for a few years be making pennies more that the person they are training.
It was announced at our huddle target was raising the minimum to $9 an hr and that it would occur over the next 6 wdeks.

So base will still differ in different areas, but the stores that are at 7.25-8.99 at min will all be bumped to 9? I saw that reddit thread someone linked elsewhere and it says we will get raises based on the $9.

I'm okay with that for me, but sucks for the people who are already above 9. Especially if it took years to get there. I'd get a 28¢ bump from this, then I'm expecting a nickel raise lol. idc about making the same as new hires. I only make 22¢ more than them, anyway.
When California state went to $9, I was at $8.75. Target bumped me to $9.50

That was either to soften the blow when we go to $10, or they were being nice.
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I make more than minimum, so while appreciate my fellow team members will make more with minimum raised, I don't see higher tiered work center pay being affected, which is a little frustrating

I would think they would to an extent so as to preserve the paygrade structure. Say N09 is $1 higher than N03. If your PA wage is higher than $9 but lower than $10, in theory you should be bumped up to $10 as that would be the new minimum for your paygrade.
I feel that the majority of TMs are way under paid. Skilled or unskilled a business still has to have people in place to get things done. When a business fails to recognize the importance of paying people a decent wage and giving them a full 40 hours EVERY week, they get what they pay for. Pay poor wages, you get poor performance, poor performance gets you farther behind your competition. Vicious cycle after vicious cycle.
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