Archived Would just like some schedule diversity

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Is targets scheduling this chaotic? like if i'm interviewed can i ask for a time slot and they just go with that?

As a new hire you will not have anything close to a set schedule. If you apply and say you're available 9am to 5pm you will probably get turned down.
I would just like some schedule consistency. I can work any shift, with notice. Getting the schedule 9 days in advance is not enough time to plan accordingly and since every week has been a widely different schedule, it's very difficult. I also am scheduled for more hours that I said were my max - a complaint I hear a lot from my fellow part-time team members who have told me they have a 20 hour max but are routinely scheduled for 26-32 hours.
I would just like some schedule consistency. I can work any shift, with notice. Getting the schedule 9 days in advance is not enough time to plan accordingly and since every week has been a widely different schedule, it's very difficult. I also am scheduled for more hours that I said were my max - a complaint I hear a lot from my fellow part-time team members who have told me they have a 20 hour max but are routinely scheduled for 26-32 hours.

See that's also my store's problem. A couple coworkers said that they have to remind them 2 or 3 times for them to fix it cause they'll fix it for like a couple weeks and then it'll go back to the same thing until they talk to them about it enough. I've heard of them also scheduling them on their school days which ends with them having to talk to them and switch with another team member or call outs which kinda suck.
I would just like some schedule consistency. I can work any shift, with notice. Getting the schedule 9 days in advance is not enough time to plan accordingly and since every week has been a widely different schedule, it's very difficult. I also am scheduled for more hours that I said were my max - a complaint I hear a lot from my fellow part-time team members who have told me they have a 20 hour max but are routinely scheduled for 26-32 hours.

I had that problem the 1st time I worked at Target. As soon as a new schedule is out and your max hours has been exceeded, just ask your TL which hours they would like you to work. Just explain you can do (whatever your max. was on you app.) hours, but aren't available for anything over that. Hopefully they will follow up with the schedule maker or ETL. I believe the scheduling system lets the schedule maker know that they have exceeded someone's max. hours? Be sure to follow up with your TL to verify that the problem was fixed. This is one if these issues you have to stay on top of as Spot will take advantage of you, if you let him!
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