Archived Would You Try to Fight a Coaching?

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This entire thread is Greek to me.. Why can't target use normal words for ANYTHING. I'll tell you - I'm baffled!
Ahh yes and by being baffled is how you create a baffle. A person must be really confused if they cant count the correct number of items when pulling or backstocking.
But they did count! 4 water tunas + 3 oil tunas = 7 tunas. Duh!
This entire thread is Greek to me.. Why can't target use normal words for ANYTHING. I'll tell you - I'm baffled!
Ahh yes and by being baffled is how you create a baffle. A person must be really confused if they cant count the correct number of items when pulling or backstocking.
From our wiki page:
Exactly so if the person counts 7 but there is actually 8 and the system will pull up to 7 of them. Once all 7 is pulled the system thinks there is no more. But then someones is pulling a different item or doing the audit and scans that 8th item, BOOM Baffle for the LAST team member to pull the item.
The most common way to get a baffle is by someone miscounting.
This entire thread is Greek to me.. Why can't target use normal words for ANYTHING. I'll tell you - I'm baffled!
Ahh yes and by being baffled is how you create a baffle. A person must be really confused if they cant count the correct number of items when pulling or backstocking.
From our wiki page:
OMG - who's on first? No wonder everyone in the back room in my store is grumpy. (And mean)
This entire thread is Greek to me.. Why can't target use normal words for ANYTHING. I'll tell you - I'm baffled!
Ahh yes and by being baffled is how you create a baffle. A person must be really confused if they cant count the correct number of items when pulling or backstocking.
From our wiki page:
OMG - who's on first? No wonder everyone in the back room in my store is grumpy. (And mean)

Abbott: You throw the ball to first base.
Costello: Then who gets it?
Abbott: Naturally.
Costello: Naturally.
Abbott: Now you've got it.
Costello: I throw the ball to Naturally.
Abbott: You don't! You throw it to Who!
Costello: Naturally.
Abbott: Well, that's it—say it that way.
Costello: That's what I said.
Abbott: You did not.
Costello: I said I throw the ball to Naturally.
Abbott: You don't! You throw it to Who!
Costello: Naturally.
You should only get "coached" if you're below a certain percentage or over a number of baffles per week. For instance, I would coach on a weekly basis for anyone over 7 baffles and give a $25 gift card for the best BR TM for the week. My worst BR TM went from 50 baffles a week to 3 baffles since the coaching. They were only verbal to let them know I was seriously looking at performance and how we could improve individual performance.
No one cares for the ETL on the front end. If he asks cashiers to ask guests for redcards, they all shutdown. I think it's all in his presentation. Our old ETL made a game out it, didn't snub cashiers who weren't getting any and didn't overly praise cashiers who got a lot. He always thanked everyone for a job well done at the end of their shift. IF a couching needed to be done, he didn't berate the person. Just explained how their performance wasn't up to Target standards and they needed to try harder. There is something to be said about maturity and previous retail experience.
I would, depending on what happened. I was almost coached once for being two hours late for a shift, but when I went back and checked, it was during the Max/MT switch, and a paper punch correction (that they had us leave in mailboxes) was never keyed. I luckily kept a copy of it with the date and time that I did it - and the coaching was null from the system.

If you actually did something wrong, then the coaching is warranted.

ETA: Being the least worst at something isn't a reason to fight a coaching.
No one cares for the ETL on the front end. If he asks cashiers to ask guests for redcards, they all shutdown. I think it's all in his presentation. Our old ETL made a game out it, didn't snub cashiers who weren't getting any and didn't overly praise cashiers who got a lot. He always thanked everyone for a job well done at the end of their shift. IF a couching needed to be done, he didn't berate the person. Just explained how their performance wasn't up to Target standards and they needed to try harder. There is something to be said about maturity and previous retail experience.

It's called just having a sense of empathy, probably one of the most underrated "Strengths" any quality manager could have. You will ALWAYS get more out of the people who want to work for you, rather than the people you make work for you.
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