Archived wow hello

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one tough creampuff
Oct 25, 2013
i can't believe a site like this exists omg. i'm so glad...

anyway, hi!! tonight will be my first night working at target overnight and i found this forum while googling info/advice regarding the job and stuff....
i'm really anxious because this will be my first REAL job. i feel so awkward and unsure about a lot of things and i'll probably ask like five million questions over the course of the night x__x

speaking of questions, i have a couple?

1. my shift starts at 10 so do i punch in AT 10 EXACTLY or as soon as i show up there? (i plan to get there a little early) that's something i'm kind of confused about and i don't want to get in trouble or anything
2. i'm going to be bringing in a purse, and probably something to eat with me so should i go to where the lockers are first and put my stuff away before i punch in???
3. am i even allowed to bring in food/water???
4. is it ok if i wear an old navy hoodie that says Old Navy + some other stuff on it. it's red....idk i just know that it's always really cold in that store, so...
5. when i show up what should i do should i just be like "hi it's me i'm here for training" or will they know that already?

these are all such dumb common sense things probably but i am so inexperienced and awkward and i don't want it to show when i go in later ;-;

but yeah i'm looking forward to posting on here about my experience working at target and stuff :3
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You want to edit your IRL name.
This isn't an official site and Spot isn't always happy with some of the things discussed so everyone here flies anonymous.
You want to punch in exactly on time.
Of course you can bring your own food, in fact I recommend it.
The hoodie depends on your job. No if you're a cashier but if you're working in the back or in Pfresh not so bad.
Yeah just let them know who you are and that you're there for training.
And yes, get a locker, you might need a quarter for some stores.

Welcome to The Break Room.
oh haha oops, i didn't know that. thanks for the heads up!

and thanks for answering my questions <3
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