Wrongful Termination

Dec 5, 2022
So I’m currently in the process of filing with the ECOC against Target for wrongful termination discrimination and retaliation. I worked at Target Distribution Center T0556 in Tifton Ga for two years and was recently terminated because of an issue that I pushed to HR about two team members who were harassing me and my brother and a couple of other coworkers had had problems with them as well . Me and the two said team members where cool when I was in productions in warehousing but then me and a another team members got promoted to Capacity to pretty much make sure we kept adequate space in the warehouse and the two said team members began to hate and talk smack saying slick things here and there . We never said anything back just kept or mouth shut . They would say things like how target has a “good ole boy system” this was actually posted on one of the dudes Facebook and I screenshotted this and later sent said post to HR . One day the said two team members did not show up to work. I never thought anything of it . The next day when they come back one team member comes up to me in the start up area and states that he heard I had started a rumor saying that the reason him and his buddy were out was because they had been termed. I told him I never said that which I didn’t I never talked about either of them and then he proceeded to say that I was a bitch and who knows who I really am now and that I’m bitch made and walks off . I didn’t say anything . Then at the end of shift he walks up to little bro who literally messes with no one and tells him “ you a pussy and your brother a pussy” my brother dosent say anything . When we get out to the parking lot I see said team member with his buddy and ask him if I can talk to him because of what I heard about what he said to my brother . I was going to tell him that if this didn’t stop I would take it to HR didn’t get to say that because he and his friend yelled for us to go tot he store to fight . We went straight to HR and my buddy came back to the job site to also give a report . Jessica in HR in Tifton Ga stated that she would get back to us on this matter and not to discuss it with anyone not even our Operations Manager . She said she would be in at 8am and to hang tight until she got there we’ll all day they were saying slick things seen me talking to an OM about the situation and one of said team members pulled up on me in front of an OM and said “don’t do that” smiling waving his finger at me . I was told by multiple team members that one of the dudes I went to Hr on sister used to be and senior out there and was friends with Jessica of HR I then took this to right below of head of the building around 4pm that day . 4 pm ? She said she would be kn it by 8 am . So yeah me and my bro went to the PC I think he called her and pretty much told her she had to follow up . When I was called into the office she says “ so you must think I don’t know how to do my job”? I told her no I just would’ve figured by what you said last night we would’ve at least gotten a follow up then all of the sudden she’s saying she had witnesses saying I said “go to the store to fight “ please tell me logically would it make sense for me to do that and go straight to HR . They brought false witnesses on me . In Nov 16 she called me after I got off my volunteer overtime and said her and her supervisor concluded the case and both other party’s were dealt with . I said okay thank you for the follow up . Then she says I’m also calling to inform you that your being terminated as well because of the witnesses staying that i instigated it by also saying go to the store mind ypy
I’m Korean and white and Hr is black and so are the other two team members . I believe when I brought it to the PC she had no choice but to term them but she took me down with them . I filed for TAP to appeal my term through integrity and corporate sided with her idk what she typed in her laptop but she blackballed me . I’m not prejudice by no means and friends and fam and coworkers that stand with me will also confirm this notion . But I do feel like this was discrimination and retaliation. I also think the OM (I won’t say her name) came forward about said team members threat “don’t do that” because she told me to tell my OM right after that that I felt unsafe and it was a hostile work environment. My OM took down everything and even asked why didn’t you just come to me I told him it was end of shift and HR was right there . I now see why he said that being that they had been trying to get rid of said employees for a long time I believe HR was protecting them and I put the nail in the coffin .
These guys had also been going to HR on us because our department “dosent do anything” so yes I did go to HR no I don’t care about street code within a job site that’s what fed my child and paid my bills. They really set an example on how HR runs at T0556 they made an example out of me . Jessica and her supervisor made an example out of a team member following policy and procedure . The one he called a pu**y was my little brother who messes with know one and I went to HR that was my trigger to do so because I didn’t want anyone on the side that is doing nothing wrong to eventually get termed for getting into a fight that they were most likely going to start .
I don't know how many times I have to say this but...
HR is not there for you.
HR is only there there to protect the company.
They don't care about 'street code' or any such nonsense.
Just the company.

The odds of you winning this are slim.
I hope you do but I'm not holding my breath.
Good luck.
Thanks man . And yeah I was not aware of that . I really thought this was gonna go a different route but I now know better . This whole situation makes them look bad though there are team members already saying that they just made an example out of me .
And I wasn’t stating they cared about “street code” just for anyone who wants to make the assumption that imma snitch but I know for a fact the two said team members went to HR because of a “good ole boy system “ because me and one of my fellow team members where out put on bicycles to train to new capacity members one day . When they out us on bikes is when shit hit the fan. 2F75B986-3032-43A6-8444-EEF71E988A75.png 590257E5-F751-49FC-87A7-C6D0C5836455.png
This was the day they put us on bikes . Mind you the OM over capacity is black and my LWW who put me on a bike to train is black there was no “good ole boy system” they had been going to HR about this matter I got multiple people who spilt the Tea about that but at the end of shift that day one of said team members was in HR for an hour off the floor I imagine complaining about our job title .
@OP, you mentioned you've worked at a Target DC for two years. You even named the DC facility number and location, something I would not recommend doing while you are pursuing an EEOC claim. This situation has clearly been a terrible source of unhappiness and anger for you, but I'm going to share my two cents worth about some common realities of the working world, as I get the sense you are quite young.
an issue that I pushed to HR about two team members who were harassing me and my brother and a couple of other coworkers had had problems with them as well

HR exists to protect management. HR exists to make sure that all employees are working productively and to the satisfaction of their bosses. When a conflict between employees occurs, HR exists to protect management. HR exists to sniff out problems which could harm productivity and cause monetary losses. Once you as an employee notify HR about a problem you are experiencing with other employees, you cannot necessarily expect HR to provide what you might consider a fair, thorough investigation. You run the risk that HR and management will decide that it's easier to exercise the employment-at-will doctrine, to discharge you, as part of "fixing" the conflict. There may be others who experience repercussions, but HR and management aren't required to give you a report on what they found or how they are "fixing" the problem you brought to them.

This kind of situation, unfortunately, occurs in workplaces worldwide everyday at various times. It's not because the HR people are particularly wicked, or that the managers are particularly evil. It's the dilemma that workplaces are run by and through human beings, who sometimes have limited time and patience to deal with employee problems -- sometimes it's easier to just push the employees overboard and out of the company, rather than investing a lot of time trying to get people to work through their differences. Hate to say it dude, but life can be terribly unfair. It doesn't matter what occupation you work in, or what industry, or what city/state you work in, but sometimes you end up suddenly blamed for someone else's rotten attitudes or psychopathic dishonesty and lose your job. For most of us, Target is a better-than-average place to work but nobody here should kid themselves - everyone at Target is dispensable. Period. That is reality for nearly all workers in nearly all organizations in the free world.

Find time to see the wonderful qualities in yourself, your skills and abilities, and find a better job. Yes, you will hurt for a long time from the setback of being sacked by Target, and that's a normal human quality. Find joy in your self and your own dignity. Don't let this bad experience at Target destroy your self-confidence and self-worth.
If you had documented the problems before hand you would have a much better case. It is much easier to get rid of both parties then to sort through the truth, they are just protecting themselves.
Keep your shit off of social media. Learn to condense. As the mods and others have stated so accurately, HR doesn't give a rats ass about individual drama. Fly low and fast, do the job and stay out of other's shorts.

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