Archived Your partner in crime

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Feb 25, 2016
I have a weird relationship with one of my fellow cashiers, we are honestly really good friends and we get along well but neither of us have any desire to take it outside of work and that's awesome. We have a lot of stupid inside jokes. Anytime we're scheduled at the same time usually the first time we make eye contact he'll say my name and I'll say his as monotone and serious as possible, newer people usually think we dislike each other because of this but I think it's amusing. Anytime we check each other out its always 'oh does the chip work? can I take it out now? Doesn't this come with a gift card? there was a sign that says this comes with a gift card!' Things of that nature.

Even with all of this we both work very hard and do what I consider an excellent job as far as red cards, guest experience and speed goes.

Do you have anyone at your work that you just genuinely enjoy being around?
I had somebody in Plano... He was basically my work husband. I miss him now that he is gone. We shared the most inappropriate jokes and we both vented to each other about the spot and now I don't have that which really sucks
I had one in market. She was like my twin but older. When i left market she put her two weeks in shortly after. But i still see her outside of work.
One of the GSTLs and I hang out outside of work. It's this group of us two, softlinea lady, electronics guy, electronics TL.
Both of mine have since left Target and were people I trained. One still gets tea with me when I can get a Saturday off, the other is at an out of state school but has maintained a flirtationship and I warn him about bad weather so he stays safe.
I'm buddies and have inside jokes with most people I work with. It's nice to finally have a job where I like everyone and everyone likes me and it isn't middle school drama all the time
I'm buddies and have inside jokes with most people I work with. It's nice to finally have a job where I like everyone and everyone likes me and it isn't middle school drama all the time

Basically my answer verbatim. I've got weird little inside jokes with a handful of TMs- even ones I barely work with.

I don't have much of an interest in being friend friends with people I work with, but having those quirky inside jokes makes things a bit more enjoyable.

What I love is how the people you really end up getting along with the best are often people you wouldn't think of interacting with outside of work, just because you couldn't imagine having anything in common. My favorite pairing at my store was a 50+ white woman and a 19-year-old black guy. They would talk and talk and talk- cracking each other up. It was kind of adorable.

I feel like I have the perfect balance with the majority of the TMs that I work with- we're all very friendly with one another, but there's not the 'burden' of actual friendship, if that makes sense. It's really nice to just have a bunch of surface-level friendships.
The APS and I have become pretty good friends, I've gone over to his house for a barbecue with his girlfriend.
Then again, our entire AP team are close; we've all, even the ETL, have gone to the gun range together.
Basically my answer verbatim. I've got weird little inside jokes with a handful of TMs- even ones I barely work with.

I don't have much of an interest in being friend friends with people I work with, but having those quirky inside jokes makes things a bit more enjoyable.

What I love is how the people you really end up getting along with the best are often people you wouldn't think of interacting with outside of work, just because you couldn't imagine having anything in common. My favorite pairing at my store was a 50+ white woman and a 19-year-old black guy. They would talk and talk and talk- cracking each other up. It was kind of adorable.

I feel like I have the perfect balance with the majority of the TMs that I work with- we're all very friendly with one another, but there's not the 'burden' of actual friendship, if that makes sense. It's really nice to just have a bunch of surface-level friendships.

That's like how it is at my store. I became close friends with people when I first started I thought I wouldn't say more than hi to everyday. It's a nice change !
I had somebody in Plano... He was basically my work husband. I miss him now that he is gone. We shared the most inappropriate jokes and we both vented to each other about the spot and now I don't have that which really sucks
Yep. Exactly..
I have a handful of tms I'm close with at work && would absolutely hang out with outside of work / do a personal favor. However there is one that I'm most close with - we were both hired around the same time seasonally & kept. We generally work a few close shifts together a week && always compare schedules to know what days to look forward to. We are equally obsessed with changing certain habits /culture things at our store in our dept -- because we want to make things better / easier. That aside we are always joking with one another && helping each other out when we can. This is def acknowledged by leadership as well because when we work together we consistently get everything done && then some. We always rant to each other to get stuff off our chests && when in exceptional moods we "vibe" so hard, it's a competition. We have each other's backs / are aware of what goes on in our lives outside of the store && supportive that way too. ((Just the other night I had a really rough shift && was on the verge of meltdown and after close they ended up talking their s.o. Into going to get food with us so we could unwind. )) Def one of the people I'll miss the most when I leave && hope to remain friends. If nothing else, I hope I can push this person to pursue another line of employment where they are not only appreciated but properly compensated for their hard work. There is almost a decade age gap between us - so I'm hoping to use my age and "wisdom" (ha) to help them this way - they deserve so much more than spot will ever offer them.
I still hang out with a bunch of people I used to work with at Target. Most of them have also quit after I did and we all still chat pretty frequently. I think it's great. Back when we all worked together (the good ol' days...) we would meet up at bars all the time and drink our Target pain away after work. One in our group was a TL. There's nothing that brings people together quite like hating your workplace.
One of our backroom TMs I've known since high school, and we're still really close, but I have my own circle of 4 people and we're inseparable. We know each other's spouses, and most everything about each other's lives outside of work, but we never hang out outside of work.
Like 80 percent of the Front Lane are friends and we hang out outside of work and stuff. But this one girl cashier and I always joke around with each other when we working. She usually does self checkout and whenever I am at service desk or lanes we will randomly just find each other staring at one another and it always makes us laugh, we alwasy get around same breaks and lunch which is cool. Almost all the TMs at my store are pretty chill, they make it work fun.
Had one. Basically was an older brother to me.

Hang out with some people from work on occasion. Nothing regularly
I was part of a group of 5 guys (burgers and fries) who would close every weekend and go out to eat at a local 24 hour reataurant every sunday.

Happened every weekend for about 8 months..then I transferred stores and they all quit Target.

I hope that wasn't my fault lol
I had a lot of partners in crime at my old Target. we all bonded over how much we hated cashiering. We would always go out to eat somewhere or go do some activity. When I moved to a different state, they all quit right after me (not saying it was my doing but ya know they followed). I still keep in contact with a lot of them. Currently I'm trying to build friendships at my new Target.... it's going.... ok.
I don't have a partner in crime. I don't trust one damn mofo there to get my back. I'll take care of me. Period.
at my new target that's slowly becoming a realization. i've been moving up pretty fast here and i feel like the old team members dont like it so they've decided to gang up on me. it's cool tho. im keeping to myself a lot more now tbh
My partner in crime is just as cynical and snarky as myself. As an added bonus she's also very emo and like the same bands. I would date her if i were straight, but alas were just BFFs.
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