Archived Yuck! Minnesota woman finds black widow spider in Target grapes

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I used to cut produce. You know when you go to the grocery store, and they have all those cups of pre-cut fruit? Yeah, that was all me. I could cut through a pallet of watermelon in 30 minutes! I'm the designated fruit cutter any time I go to a barbecue and there's a watermelon in need of cubing.


ANYWAY! We used to find all sorts of bugs and critters in the fruits. Grapes are notorious for spiders. The cold temperatures from the refrigeration makes them sleepy, so you'll find them wrapped up in a cocoon of webs they made for themselves, nestled in the grapes. I'd also find crushed lizards or small snakes at the bottom of the watermelon pallets. I'd find lady bugs in the strawberries. And then of course, caterpillars in the leafy greens. Seems like nothing more than a sign of freshness to me. Also...there you go, vegans. Look at all the animals that die just so you can eat watermelon!

*raises hands* @Target NPC could you give me any tips on cutting watermelon? Always gets so messy!
*raises hands* @Target NPC could you give me any tips on cutting watermelon? Always gets so messy!

Yes! First and foremost....PLEASE use very sharp knives. A sharp knife, is a safe knife. I've tried this at my parent's house, whom have rather dull knives, and it's a lot harder, which is potentially dangerous.

Now to the cutting.

1.) First, take a large knife, and cut your melon into 4 equal quarters.

2.) Then, take one of the quarters, and grab a longer, slender knife, and slice into the flesh of the mellon horizontally, like a loaf of bread. Don't penetrate the shell, only cut up to the white part essentially. I make mine about an inch and a half wide. Whatever bite size you prefer.

3.) Now turn you quarter vertically, and make 2 diagonal cuts perpendicular to your previous slices.

4.) Now, with your slender knife, slice along the space between the shell and the flesh, sort of scooping and slicing the cubes away from the shell.

5.) Turn over your shell into a bowl, and a bunch of cubes should wall out.

Ta da! I was surprised I actually found pictures of the steps, here is the link to where I found them incase they explain it better. (How to Cut Up a Watermelon - Step by Step Tutorial) But this is how I would get through an entire pallet of watermelon!
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