Recent content by thenutjob

  1. T

    Archived New Paygrades

    I wish with e2e process they would have laid the whole plan out. I am sure the stls and higher knew of the plan. Obviously this was planned out long ago to be in line with e2e. As a leader I could have maybe supported this process better if I knew the end game. I definitely would have pushed my...
  2. T

    Archived Target Cafe Spring Menu

    Yes it will be. For now I would select all food vendors until this all gets worked out.
  3. T

    Archived Target Cafe Spring Menu

    McClanes will no longer be a vendor Target uses. We are changing to just C&S. I think that's why that stuff is discontinued. It should be on the new order guide once that is released in a few weeks.
  4. T

    I'm Lost! The REDCard Thread

    We haven't made goal all year. When our dtl told us goals would be giving down, ours went up. We barely squeaked by with our goal last year. The company is down too, so it's not just us. The 10% is not helping us at all.
  5. T

    I'm Lost! The REDCard Thread

    Does anyone know if the 10% coupon that comes with signing up this week is good for an online purchase as well as an in store? All the signs say nothing about it!
  6. T

    Archived AP / HR theft?

    When you get those gift cards you should also see something on your paycheck that shows a gift tax. Then the company should pay it and that should show on there too. These are company issued. There is a paper trail. I would suggest starting with your pay stub!
  7. T

    Archived Boxes

    TMs, yes. Guests, no. We get money back for recycling them. That's why it's so bad to put them in the compactor too. Also, ask your log etl if you can borrow repacks for moving, worst they can say is no. It makes loading the moving truck sooooo much easier!!
  8. T

    Archived Cartwheel Signs

    Some store are now getting signs emailed to them every monday to be printed and put up. Pain in the ass. What can't corporate just send the signs if they want them put up! It is so annoying.
  9. T

    Archived annual merit raise

    It was my understanding that there was a range for each of the categories. So if three people were at a dio, one could be at a 5%, another at 4% and someone else at 3%. It is very confusing this year and I am so anxious to know what I got as a tl. No one knows what to expect!
  10. T

    Archived about performance reviews

    It's my understanding that there is a range in each of those 3 categories. It's really shitty this year since it is all new. No one knows what to expect and no one is saying goes what the range is either.
  11. T

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    In store pickup question. If my store closes at 10pm and a spu drops after 9pm, when is the pick due?
  12. T

    Archived Rigs/research

    I tell you...if the team didn't follow the capacity onot the shelf heads would roll. There is nothing worse than taking repack after repack to the back when zoning at night after truck. Garrison. Thanks for the info, I didn't realize some stores got to test this.
  13. T

    Archived Am I eligible for a paygrade increase?

    You have to have 50% or more of your shifts in the higher pay grade work center to make the higher wage. It is possible to get retro active pay if you meet these guidelines, but you have to ask!
  14. T

    Archived Rigs/research

    Why isn't there something on the shelf label that says what capacity should be? I understand that there are overstock issues, but what is Target doing to help? Is it really that hard to put on the shelf label? It's not like there is a ton of equipment to go around when flow is pushing!
  15. T

    Archived Fall National Meeting

    Why don't you tie multiple spls to your l endcap when they're not at good ready? Someone would have to extend out the asile sections for you, ie, section 10, 20 and so on. It gets the product out of the br and gets it off twt until it's at a good percent and you have an end available. Of course...