Archived Rigs/research

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The whole lows/outs part of the instocks process is useless anyways. As the systems keep getting smarter, this part of the process was bound to be phased out.

I mean, how hard is it to program the system to recognize how many on hands you have, compare that to how much of that item is backstocked, and determine how much is on the floor? If there is a discrepancy, create a RIG!

Same thing I wonder. Scan something and it's 0 on floor 5oh and 5 in the back. -_-
Only 150 a day? In stores RIG only was piloted I thought they were getting 400 or so.
Also, has anyone noticed there being less than the 85/95 DPCI worth of RIGs each day lately? I had a Sunday that was only around 50-60 total RIGs including multiple location items as well as basically every other day being less.
For the last few weeks we've been having a daily Task List of a little more than 50 RIGs each day of the week. The only exception was this past Monday when I had 3 or 4 items at each Checklane that raised the count to a little over 90. We are a C-volume store.
Seems they are getting rid of guided research in October, and moving to a rigs based system only. Assuming the stores will have more control over what areas are scanned... Or this is their way of moving away from the instocks team.
Our total hours for instocks was dropped to 57/week. PTM has become an ETL task (that's just become a heartache to IStm's that actually cared about it. The amount of clearance in our store as a result is unbelievable.) Nobody maintains labels anymore or cares. There are empty spots with clearance labels everywhere. We are not scanning RIGs following inventory because the IS team is backstocking. SFQ? Huh? That's a pretty good sign to me that it is their way of moving away from the instocks team.
They aren't getting rid of instocks. There's info on Redwire about rigs going to 150 DPCIs per day and it also says that instocks will scan low areas as needed, while focusing on making sure capacities are correct due to so many systems relying on them for replenishment to function correctly. The way I read it, it sounded like they are going to INCREASE instocks hours so that one person can do the rigs and others can just scan important departments.
What's not located in the back?
In our store its transition and a whole mismash of random stuff in the steel. We have dozens of pallets right now with transition from multiple departments. Some of it is stuff that already has a salesfloor location and is just being moved, but the box says transition to into the steel it goes. POG is rushing and half-assing a lot of sets, resulting in not everything getting set fully or pushed fully.

I was under the impression that all hanging needs to fit on the floor.
Ideally, yes. In reality, that's not possible for everyone all the time. This is being solved with RFID though. All it takes is for a TM to drive the Wave down the main while scanning.

I heard once that flexible fulfillment INFs also generate a RIG. Is this correct?
It does sometimes, but not consistently enough to be considered effective.
Our total hours for instocks was dropped to 57/week. PTM has become an ETL task (that's just become a heartache to IStm's that actually cared about it. The amount of clearance in our store as a result is unbelievable.) Nobody maintains labels anymore or cares. There are empty spots with clearance labels everywhere. We are not scanning RIGs following inventory because the IS team is backstocking. SFQ? Huh? That's a pretty good sign to me that it is their way of moving away from the instocks team.

Yep. Cutting a AA+ volume store to 60hrs for IS was a fucking joke. So we got a little passive aggressive. "Oh you want to cut us to the bone? Well here is what we can pull while we just scan through." And we bombed the place with product. I left on Saturday with 7 pulls on the on the line with no fucks given that I had to sit on a register for over an hour. And the ETL freaking out cause CAFs were stacking on top of my pulls and they had "ONE" person on the salesfloor until 4pm.. Oh well..

When you get the new "scan areas" for each day of the week you will notice they look exactly like the old 4x4 areas.. We saw that and all of us are now just saying fuck it, pull everything and stack the floor the way it should be filled and it is the ETL problem of making sure it gets pushed.
Yep. Cutting a AA+ volume store to 60hrs for IS was a fucking joke. So we got a little passive aggressive. "Oh you want to cut us to the bone? Well here is what we can pull while we just scan through." And we bombed the place with product. I left on Saturday with 7 pulls on the on the line with no fucks given that I had to sit on a register for over an hour. And the ETL freaking out cause CAFs were stacking on top of my pulls and they had "ONE" person on the salesfloor until 4pm.. Oh well..

When you get the new "scan areas" for each day of the week you will notice they look exactly like the old 4x4 areas.. We saw that and all of us are now just saying fuck it, pull everything and stack the floor the way it should be filled and it is the ETL problem of making sure it gets pushed.

Yep, that's how I roll, too.

I shhot to fill the floor, push what I can in my 4-5hour shift and leave the rest under the line.

There's a greater chance it will get pushed if it is under the line rather than sitting on a Backroom shelf or in a waco.
Our total hours for instocks was dropped to 57/week. PTM has become an ETL task (that's just become a heartache to IStm's that actually cared about it. The amount of clearance in our store as a result is unbelievable.) Nobody maintains labels anymore or cares. There are empty spots with clearance labels everywhere. We are not scanning RIGs following inventory because the IS team is backstocking. SFQ? Huh? That's a pretty good sign to me that it is their way of moving away from the instocks team.
You must work at my store... Besides the fact you said etls take care of Ptm. Man if they had to do that, they'd never get done. I have to find time to somehow pull and push ptms as well. But our hours were cut drastically as well. Walking around the store yoy can tell we've not been given the hours. The salesfloor is very light.
Yep. Cutting a AA+ volume store to 60hrs for IS was a fucking joke. So we got a little passive aggressive. "Oh you want to cut us to the bone? Well here is what we can pull while we just scan through." And we bombed the place with product. I left on Saturday with 7 pulls on the on the line with no fucks given that I had to sit on a register for over an hour. And the ETL freaking out cause CAFs were stacking on top of my pulls and they had "ONE" person on the salesfloor until 4pm.. Oh well..

When you get the new "scan areas" for each day of the week you will notice they look exactly like the old 4x4 areas.. We saw that and all of us are now just saying fuck it, pull everything and stack the floor the way it should be filled and it is the ETL problem of making sure it gets pushed.
I scan through the list until 1130, whatever isn't scanned gets skipped, I pull it all and try to push... Whatever doesn't get pushed gets left. They tried to make me do the rfid scan one week and do the list as well in an six hour period. They weren't happy when a lot of it got skipped.

Anyone who thinks a store does not need an effective instocks team - should meet my flow team. & salesfloor & BR & cashiers & POG team & TLs.

There is only so many "fucks to give" before people just start stocking/pushing products anywhere or burning batches or cashiering incorrectly.
I scan through the list until 1130, whatever isn't scanned gets skipped, I pull it all and try to push... Whatever doesn't get pushed gets left. They tried to make me do the rfid scan one week and do the list as well in an six hour period. They weren't happy when a lot of it got skipped.

List first. RFID scan is left fir one person now untouchable for huddles, back up or anything else. I run that til I leave then my partner will go back through hopefully catching what I miss.

But we skip lots of softlines. When they learn to zone we might shoot their rigs.
They aren't getting rid of instocks. There's info on Redwire about rigs going to 150 DPCIs per day and it also says that instocks will scan low areas as needed, while focusing on making sure capacities are correct due to so many systems relying on them for replenishment to function correctly. The way I read it, it sounded like they are going to INCREASE instocks hours so that one person can do the rigs and others can just scan important departments.

I really hope this filters down to my store. I've been pretty much taken off of the instocks team, and I am the team trainer. Now its the guy that complains the loudest, the girl that doesn't give a flying fart and the idiot I don't believe can count to 5, let alone do a RIG. On the plus side, I'm now abusing the electronics TL since he snatched me for his team. I don't think he quite knew what he was gonna get when he did that.

Is anyone else doing a split on the weekends? What instocks hours I get are there, I go in and half the shift is RIG's/pulls, then I switch to straight backroom at 3 to help pull the hourlies.
They aren't getting rid of instocks. There's info on Redwire about rigs going to 150 DPCIs per day and it also says that instocks will scan low areas as needed, while focusing on making sure capacities are correct due to so many systems relying on them for replenishment to function correctly. The way I read it, it sounded like they are going to INCREASE instocks hours so that one person can do the rigs and others can just scan important departments.

Seeing as they cut our hours beginning with the next schedule to be written, I'm thinking you might be mistaken....
Yep. Cutting a AA+ volume store to 60hrs for IS was a fucking joke. So we got a little passive aggressive. "Oh you want to cut us to the bone? Well here is what we can pull while we just scan through." And we bombed the place with product. I left on Saturday with 7 pulls on the on the line with no fucks given that I had to sit on a register for over an hour. And the ETL freaking out cause CAFs were stacking on top of my pulls and they had "ONE" person on the salesfloor until 4pm.. Oh well..

When you get the new "scan areas" for each day of the week you will notice they look exactly like the old 4x4 areas.. We saw that and all of us are now just saying fuck it, pull everything and stack the floor the way it should be filled and it is the ETL problem of making sure it gets pushed.

Hahahaha....this sounds familiar.
The last two to three weeks we had around 40-50 hours a week. One week we had 35 hours... I complained and got us more though. It's crazy. Our DTL came in a few days ago and complained about the holes. They talked about it at the smart huddle and looked at me, I just shrugged it off.
List first. RFID scan is left fir one person now untouchable for huddles, back up or anything else. I run that til I leave then my partner will go back through hopefully catching what I miss.

But we skip lots of softlines. When they learn to zone we might shoot their rigs.
We don't rigs. We just agree with the ohs if they're reasonable. If not it is time to hunt.
We don't rigs. We just agree with the ohs if they're reasonable. If not it is time to hunt.

Nope we skip them yes it hurts our score, but we also want record of where the issues are, and when you have 20 Rigs every week are all marked bad zone and all softlines tables? You start to look at why those Rigs are an issue. These TM's can't read basic locations and can't figure out girls from boys half the time, they reshop jeans by color. Just color so all the cuts are mixed, not sized and genders are mixed. So nope not going to hunt for anything. Cause you would easily burn hours to fix it so you could find one pair of jeans.

Just agreeing with the OH is just covering up the problem..
Why isn't there something on the shelf label that says what capacity should be? I understand that there are overstock issues, but what is Target doing to help? Is it really that hard to put on the shelf label? It's not like there is a ton of equipment to go around when flow is pushing!
Why isn't there something on the shelf label that says what capacity should be? I understand that there are overstock issues, but what is Target doing to help? Is it really that hard to put on the shelf label? It's not like there is a ton of equipment to go around when flow is pushing!

We did that. Got nice stickers and tested them in plastics and bath towels. They were ignored. Flow don't bother just jam shit out and let others clean it up.
I tell you...if the team didn't follow the capacity onot the shelf heads would roll. There is nothing worse than taking repack after repack to the back when zoning at night after truck. Garrison.

Thanks for the info, I didn't realize some stores got to test this.
I tell you...if the team didn't follow the capacity onot the shelf heads would roll. There is nothing worse than taking repack after repack to the back when zoning at night after truck. Garrison.

Thanks for the info, I didn't realize some stores got to test this.

We get to test it. We just did it.
Why isn't there something on the shelf label that says what capacity should be? I understand that there are overstock issues, but what is Target doing to help? Is it really that hard to put on the shelf label? It's not like there is a ton of equipment to go around when flow is pushing!
Every store is different. It would be a disaster if they put them on the label! When plano sets and checks capacity in the myDevice it is inevitably wrong. I thought this would be an answer until we started doing SFQ.
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