Archived AP / HR theft?

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Aug 22, 2014
So we just found out that tm's are supposed to be getting gift cards after working 5/10/15 years ect. No one gets these though. Three weeks ago one hit 5 years and a brand new receiver opened the instructions for the gift card award thinking it needed to be checked in. This was then passed to hr tm where it vanished. No one else has heard of these gift cards where could they be going?
Is there some kind of requisition report that should show these gift cards? When i asked about it the hr tm knew nothing about it. At our store all etls lack integrity (also found they are forging signatures for all required training.) So i don't know who to talk to.
We hand out the awards that include the gift card right away. I don't know if there is a report that shows the gift cards. It is possible that someone is pocketing the gift cards.
If you trust your AP team, bring it to their attention. Have them reach out to the local investigator or APBP for guidance.
Sadly our AP etl is the most suspicious out of the whole click. He's kinda new and just hits on the other tl's all day.
I am already at home but I can see if I can find some info on this tomorrow for you. Stealing the award gift cards would be really low.
They come in a packet. At my store, the packet is signed by the TLs and ETLs then presented to the TM at huddle. We make a big deal out of it. Usually flowers and/or cake too. This is one time I would suggest the Integrity Hotline. Tell the whole story, and that you don't trust any of the leadership at your store. Otherwise, email to the APBP perhaps.
And you physically hand them the card right? or does it get mailed?
If the tms aren't getting the get gift cards someone needs to call the hotline. They have earned the gift card and for someone to steal it is beyond messed up.
Just out of curiosity, how much is on those gift cards, usually?
I think I got 200. At 25 years. But that was 4 years ago. I could be wrong. I guess I'll see in a few months when I hit 30. I think I got a pen at 5.
I've never seen this before. I think that's because no one has been in my store longer than 5 years, self included. Heh.

Question, luckily my AP team is amazing, but in a case where you didn't trust your AP, like in this case, could you ever go to another Target and talk to THEIR AP?
If I remember correctly:
Five years - $25
Ten years - $50
Fifteen years - $75
Twenty years - $100
Twenty-five - $150?
Thirty years - $200?
HRZone? LUR99?

25 is 200 and I think 30 is 500 but I will check tomorrow.
I've never seen this before. I think that's because no one has been in my store longer than 5 years, self included. Heh.

Question, luckily my AP team is amazing, but in a case where you didn't trust your AP, like in this case, could you ever go to another Target and talk to THEIR AP?
I'd suggest only talking to their AP leader, or doing everything in your power to get contact information for the APBP.
Ok so a small update - Seems this has happened more than once in the past few months.
Yes there are giftcards. Sometimes we would give them late because we would try to have the leaders sign the "card" that comes with it but everyone got their giftcards at some point. I am pretty sure that their usage is easy to track down if the investigation team gets involved. Ask your ETL HR, if the answer seems fishy and you don't feel comfortable talking to AP, call the integrity hotline.
When you get those gift cards you should also see something on your paycheck that shows a gift tax. Then the company should pay it and that should show on there too. These are company issued. There is a paper trail. I would suggest starting with your pay stub!
You can call and get the gift card information and add it to your Target account.
If the gift tax appears on your paycheck, you could call HROC or the Team Member Service Center to ask them what it's for (play dumb).
After you're told it's for your giftcard for XX yrs with Target, let them know that you hadn't received it yet.
Then start pestering your HR about it & let them know you already spoke to HROC/TMSC, that this is what they said.
Then sit back & watch them get nervous before you call the hotline.
Well thats depressing I never got anything not even a card for my 5yr 🙁 wonder if I will get anything for my 10yr coming up :/
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