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  1. F

    To That One Guest - II

    TTOG: So I guess you think it's cool to rip open and sample 4 - yes, 4 - packages of lip balms? Fairly often, I find one package ripped open with one of the 3 or 4 tubes missing, but four packages? That's a little extreme. And I bet you're one of those people who gripe about prices. Do you think...
  2. F

    To That One Guest - II

    TTOG: No, lady, we are not Amazon. If you tell me one more time that you can "get anything on Amazon," I might just scream. They have an entirely different business model and they don't treat their employees or their third-party sellers all that well. Maybe next time don't wait until the last...
  3. F

    To that one Team Member - II

    TTOTM at our DC: Are you trying to make my job harder? Because if you are, you're succeeding! Got a repack box today that must have been the victim of something heavy falling on it. The repack box itself was pretty smashed as were a lot of boxes inside it. To make things even worse, a bottle of...
  4. F

    Tear up the store I guess

    Amen. And teach your teenagers that spraying shaving cream around, leaving a bunch of rugs on the floor, bouncing balls all around the store, etc. don't count as acceptable activities. And especially that stealing is always just plain wrong. Also, to add a new mini-gripe of mine, what's with...
  5. F

    To That One Guest - II

    Honestly, who in their right mind thinks this kind of behavior is okay in any universe? And not only okay but somehow, I don't know, funny? It's vile and gross and, wow, I don't even have sufficient words for it. My dog behaves better than that.
  6. F

    To That One Guest - II

    TTOG (well, two, since they were a couple): Don't care how cute your little, fluffy, white dog is. If a dog growls at people in a public place, the dog should not be brought into public places, especially ones that are having a busy Sunday and often has young children around. One day, one of...
  7. F

    To That One Guest - II

    TTOG (maybe 12 years old): Thanks for letting me know about the broken bottle in the shampoo aisle. It was kind of a mess, but it would have been a lot worse if others tracked through it. Have to say I was a little surprised that you're so young but still took responsibility to find one of us...
  8. F

    To That One Guest - II

    TTOG: Overheard but didn't see you talking to your kids (making some assumptions here), but thank you so much for telling your kids that unfolding clothes in the Big Girls' area and leaving them in a heap is not a nice thing. You said that the store workers don't appreciate having to refold all...
  9. F

    To That One Guest - II

    Except when they're browsing in soft lines or Domestics - anywhere other than Market or Essentials. Just strolling along, kid screaming and sobbing for whatever reason - tantrum, hungry, wet diaper, exhausted, or just having a grumpy day. I don't ever understand why the parent seems to think...
  10. F

    To that one Team Member - II

    TTOTM: Oh my word, what is your problem? Seems like some people go around looking for someone to be mad at, and I guess it was my turn today. I have no idea what I did to make you lay into me, actually shouting at me and saying I was the one over-reacting. Um, wow, do you even know what that...
  11. F

    The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

    Guests who stand in the middle of an aisle for what seems like forever when I'm trying to push my truck. They're texting or looking up something on their phone, or shopping with a friend and chatting, or disciplining (or not) their children. Or just taking a very long time deciding which...
  12. F

    To that one Team Member - II

    TTOTM: Wow, thanks for respecting my space enough to ask if I'd mind if you played music while working in a nearby area. Another TM always seems to think everyone around wants to hear her music over her phone with its lousy speaker quality AND hear her sing along, loudly. Most TMs who know me...
  13. F

    To That One Guest - II

    TTOG: You are a rarity! When your child was picking things up and setting them down wherever, you stopped him and explained that store workers have to put all those things back where they belong, that he was making our jobs harder, and that he needed to put things back where he found them. I can...
  14. F

    To That One Guest - II

    I might believe that if I didn't also find half-eaten food and the chewed wads of gum. Sure, I expect a few do as you say, but I'm more with @Captain Orca on this one. Although I wouldn't have been when I first started - gave the benefit of the doubt way more often in those days.
  15. F

    To that one Team Member - II

    What's a PDD for attendance? I had to call off for a little more than week (sick, but not covid) and wasn't given any grief about it because, like you, I don't make a habit of calling off.
  16. F

    To That One Guest - II

    ...of whatever left without the cap on, half-full beverage cups with no lid, chewed wads of gum stuck to shelves, half-eaten food left wherever the *person* happens to be. Found a crumpled chip bag crammed into a shelf of allergy meds the other day, but at least it was empty. Used to be Target...
  17. F

    To That One Guest - II

    I hope no adults I know do this kind of thing. And I'd question how "adult" someone is if this is what they do for fun. It's so childish.
  18. F

    To That One Guest - II

    TTOG (or maybe two): The "play with cans of shaving cream" game is so old, but you put a new twist on it with spraying a little pile of one kind and then sitting the can in the middle of the pile. Thanks for demonstrating your technique not once, not twice, but three times with three different...
  19. F

    To that one Team Member - II

    Other than soft lines break out and the occasional complicated and large POG, I completely agree. There are two TMs at my store who very often somehow end up working together and - can this possibly be coincidence? - they happen to be in a dating relationship. They're both so slow. She's in...
  20. F

    To that one Team Member - II

    Does anyone else think this looks like the Target version of Walmart garb? I think it looks sort of sloppy. Appearance aside, I like keeping my work clothes and not-work clothes separate. Working truck means my shirt often gets some kind of goop on it (leaky soap or body wash or mouthwash...