To That One Guest - II

the disgusting dump that someone left on our week-old new rug and the urine sprayed all over one of the fitting room stalls
Honestly, who in their right mind thinks this kind of behavior is okay in any universe? And not only okay but somehow, I don't know, funny? It's vile and gross and, wow, I don't even have sufficient words for it. My dog behaves better than that.
TTOG: No, lady, we are not Amazon. If you tell me one more time that you can "get anything on Amazon," I might just scream. They have an entirely different business model and they don't treat their employees or their third-party sellers all that well. Maybe next time don't wait until the last minute to find a specialty item like a golf glove small enough for your tween granddaughter. Or, I know, go to a store that specializes in sporting equipment! No, you won't be able to also get your toothpaste there, but is it that difficult to make two stops?
TTOG: No, lady, we are not Amazon. If you tell me one more time that you can "get anything on Amazon," I might just scream. They have an entirely different business model and they don't treat their employees or their third-party sellers all that well. Maybe next time don't wait until the last minute to find a specialty item like a golf glove small enough for your tween granddaughter. Or, I know, go to a store that specializes in sporting equipment! No, you won't be able to also get your toothpaste there, but is it that difficult to make two stops?
These are the same guests that wonder why we don't sell Amazon gift cards.

I always tell them we don't sell gift cards from our competitors.
"You shouldn't be on you're phone (MyDevice) when I'm walking, you could hit me young lady, that's rude."

Then how about you don't stand and stop in the middle of an aisle when TMs are working? The TM you scolded glanced down at her Zebra for a minute to locate an item for a guest. She was doing her *job* 🙄🙄🙄

TTOG: When I come over to help you, you actually have to, you know, tell me what the issue is so I can fix it. A conversation shouldn't go like this:

G:"I don't know what to do, this isn't right."
Me: "Sir, can I ask what the issue is?"
Him: *grumbling, shrugging*
"I don't...I would love to pay $$$ for these but I don't think it’s right."
Me:"So--what are you saying? You want me to take it off? That it's not yours? How can I help?"
Him "I don't know *grumble* I mean I'd love to pay that price, but I don't know what to do. *grumble* This stupid...
Me: 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ "I'll just clear it so you can start fresh."
Him: *grumble grunt*

Then don't come to self checkout. I've never had such a hopeless interaction in my life. 🙄🙄🙄
TTOG: So I guess you think it's cool to rip open and sample 4 - yes, 4 - packages of lip balms? Fairly often, I find one package ripped open with one of the 3 or 4 tubes missing, but four packages? That's a little extreme. And I bet you're one of those people who gripe about prices. Do you think doing stuff like this helps?
And if you were the person who left a peach pit on a shelf, you get bonus points for tacky and gross.

Pretty much every other day, I say people are gross or rude or both. Working retail isn't very good for seeing the best of people.
TTOG: So I guess you think it's cool to rip open and sample 4 - yes, 4 - packages of lip balms? Fairly often, I find one package ripped open with one of the 3 or 4 tubes missing, but four packages? That's a little extreme. And I bet you're one of those people who gripe about prices. Do you think doing stuff like this helps?
And if you were the person who left a peach pit on a shelf, you get bonus points for tacky and gross.

Pretty much every other day, I say people are gross or rude or both. Working retail isn't very good for seeing the best of people.
In the past week I've had a guest be verbally rude to me to the point I called security/management, had a woman try on several items of clothing, stroll past me on the way out of the fitting room with a smile on her face and sit in a camping chair next to the counter rocking with the same smile on her face the whole time while I retrieved her pile of clothes and pushed past her smiling face while I hung them on the rack, and retrieved yet another wet paper towel out of a stall used by the perv who jerks off in there on the regular.

People suck.
A good portion of retail is mediocrity personified. A decent percentage of customers are nothing more than mediocre pigs, entitled slobs and useless trash. There are some who are pleasant. We had a nice lady who would shop our p-fresh daily, chat up a storm with us, give us her reviews on some of the products (she liked our hanging on pegs cheese). I liked her. My store didn't have a lot of Kens or Karens, more of a diverse mix, working class. Decent folks.