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  1. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  2. Black Sheep 214

    Can I Stretch My Thirty?

    Late back from lunch counts as an attendance violation the same as late to work, at least it did at my store. Whether or not your store will call you on it is hard to tell, but if leadership ever decides they have a bone to pick with you, they will have attendance violations ready that they can...
  3. Black Sheep 214

    Can you get written up for being sick

    Sounds to me like your store is trying to performance someone out for attendance and is documenting conversations with everyone who calls off so they have that all important paper trail proving “but we do this to everyone who calls off” to cover their butts. 🙁 Shouldn’t be doing that for those...
  4. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  5. Black Sheep 214

    Demotion Denied, still wanting to work as a TM, advice?

    Remember when you applied at Target that the application asked if you had ever worked for Target before? There’s no way that your current store won’t find out if you apply to another Target. Best advice is to keep applying to other companies. Once you get another job and give your notice, don’t...
  6. Black Sheep 214

    Goodbye Target!

    I watched Dayton-Hudson Corporation (Target Corp’s previous incarnation) run Mervyn’s into the ground the same way. Only took a year to cut to the bone then sell the gutted corpse to new owners who took another year to pick the bones clean, dump the fragments into liquidation and Mervyn’s was...
  7. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  8. Black Sheep 214

    To that one Team Member - II

    How true. The last time (and I do mean the last time) I went to the SCO the drill Sgt in charge looked at my cart, gave me the death stare, grabbed the front of the cart and pulled it over to a nearby cashier, all without a word. I don’t know what my transgression was, since I only had ten items...
  9. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  10. Black Sheep 214

    Transfer question

    Sounds like bs to me. If you feel that you aren’t being told the truth, you probably aren’t. A reason is a reason and it’s not your ETL’s job to evaluate yours. That said, both stores have to approve your transfer and your store can block your transfer if they feel like it. Also, if you are on...
  11. Black Sheep 214

    Lead questioning my status

    I don’t know how it works at DCs, but at stores leaders don’t have to ask TMs when their 90 days are up, leaders who have a legitimate need to know that information can easily get it. My advice to you is keep your head down and be as near to perfect as possible until a couple of days after your...
  12. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  13. Black Sheep 214


    Yes, unfortunately, they can do it.🙁
  14. Black Sheep 214

    Desired hours

  15. Black Sheep 214

    Desired hours

    Oops! Sorry I missed that.😁
  16. Black Sheep 214

    Desired hours

    If the store had to pay them, there wouldn't be. At my store leaders used to ask people if they wanted to go home early instead of sending them, and some of them were happy to leave early, mostly those who were working for pocket money or whose parents made them get a job. They weren’t...
  17. Black Sheep 214

    Desired hours

    I think this is the law you’re looking for. Not full pay, but better than nothing. 😁
  18. Black Sheep 214

    MEGATHREAD Signing Tips, Tricks and Quips (along with howls of despair)

    😍My favorite song back in the day…🐍😁
  19. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes
