
  1. B

    STI merit bonus

    I thought the STI bonus was 3% based on gross year and Target's score for the year? Can anyone clarify because some merit in the DC are getting anywhere between 1% and 6%
  2. B

    Mid year raise for LWW

    Are mid year raises a thing for merit positions? Specially LWW. 2 LWWs in the DC received mid year raises back in September and no others, when asking OMs about it was told it was given to the LWWs that were behind on the pay scale. Which is not true because there are more newer LWWs that didn't...
  3. T

    Annual Bonus

    any rumors being said about an annual bonus… my dc usually gives them out at the end of march
  4. L

    Modern pick

    Has anyone started modern pick for warehouse or MBP? How does it work?
  5. S


    Why is there not anywhere to find HQ standards for prod? Is prod different for every DC?
  6. C

    Rehire after termination

    I was terminated two weeks ago after working at the nearby Target DC for just over four years. I loved the job and was very good at it. Top three when it came to meeting production. Unfortunately, we had a horrible OM who came in two years into my tenure. She played favorites and had it in for...
  7. BloodSweatTears

    Crickets 🦗

    Hey all I was just making this post for my DC workers since it’s been a hot minute. Does anyone have any rants or questions? Or just want to check in? Hope everyone had a great holiday! TTYL
  8. P

    Stores to SC?

    Hey DC Peeps! I am a 21+ year vet of stores who recently got my degree in supply chain and operations mgmt. I enjoy many aspects of stores, and conceivably, many aspects of supply chain, without ever having worked there. I am looking to progress my career and have seen opportunities for jobs as...
  9. BloodSweatTears

    SWAT, traveling to another DC for a week

    Can Minneapolis DC check in?! My DC just announced that we are doing the SWAT thing again to send a few of us to Minnesota. Last time we did it was 2021 and we had a list to choose from, I chose T-879 in NY that time. Lowkey I just want to visit Mall of America lol but wondered if anyone here...
  10. R


    Any DCs still have access to the jump code IRP?
  11. D

    Dc comp days

    To L5’s get a comp day for Christmas even though the dc is closed? I thought we do, but b2 has to use it for Christmas Eve as the building closes after b1. Anyone know for sure?
  12. C

    What is the number of consecutive days you can missed before Target starts termination in DC?

    What is the number of consecutive days you can missed before Target starts termination in DC? Also, is there a written policy, if so what is it? Thank you
  13. V

    What is the name of the Warehouse Management System DC’s use?

    I keep getting asked in interviews and I can not remember.
  14. P

    A Lead sent a spy to find ME!

    I went to use the restroom. As I was washing my hands a trainer came into the bathroom walked pass me towards the stalls. She never went in, she just turned around and left. She went back to report to the lead(not a manager) that I was in the bathroom. I forgot on this shift in this dept we...
  15. P

    Lead questioning my status

    I had a lead this week who use to speak but doesn't for some reason He has an attitude with me, I've done nothing to him. Anyway, he came up to me questioning me about my 90 day status. He ask me if I was over 90 days or am I close and if so, how close am I to hitting 90 days. I told him I...
  16. D


    How hard is it to get into HR at a DC? Does anyone know if they require a degree, or experience? Or it just another one of those merit jobs, where if you’ve been with Target a while, and kiss the right ass, a token interview gets you the job? Asking because our HR team is fairly useless, they...
  17. T

    Apollo/new MBP expectation? Anybody know it?

    So the expectation in MBP was 85 cartons or 290 SSP an hour. Since Apollo the numbers seem all over the place and to have no consistency. I believe it spits out a % to prod, but theres no indication what it's based on (except it says generically, "SSP's" I think) Does anyone know the actual...
  18. P

    90 days

    Does hr wait to fire while you're in your 90 days? My friend keeps taking off or leaving early. He thinks he won't get fired because he hits rate...allegedly. Every week he misses 1to 2 days.
  19. Targetonmyback

    Red lights

    In inbound, you get a DA if you move a trailer without the key being in. It is a simple mistake most team members will learn not to do. Also, the red light is on the side of the yard. This means not moving the trailer. I think this should be a yard rule to protect us and not a rule on wasting...
  20. V

    Denton FDC

    Hasn't shipped anything since the storm Tuesday. Did they suffer damaged to the building or long term power failure? Team members are dealing storm damaged to their homes or even power failure in their personal lives.