
  1. Luck

    New non con process

    Anyone have any insight into what 580 was doing with loading the non con into the grey tubs? I am most curious if the tubs just replace pallets on the floor or if this is going to be a picking process where TMs load the tubs in the WH aisles and then drop them off at doors. Also, where the hell...
  2. B

    We are all 3801

    Hello coworkers of 3801! Glad to make your acquaintance!
  3. Avocadioo


  4. D

    EDP question...modern PO's

    What is the hold up with adding modern PO's to the external damage process?? We keep getting told that it will get fixed but it's been months and no change. Basically we aren't getting credit for processing modern PO's. Is this a headquarters thing or what? Seems like someone isn't doing there job.
  5. Luck

    Bye bye OB

    I did the smart thing and have waited an indeterminate amount of time to announce I am no longer a regular OB TM. I am moving up to the big leagues. Not comfortable saying exactly what my new role is yet. I will hold off for awhile longer to reveal that maybe 🤔 Never forget hard work and a...
  6. Avocadioo

    Yard Coordinator/DC hierarchy

    @Planosss enraged: Yard Coordinator:
  7. Avocadioo

    Working 2 jobs

    moved this thread to Scheduling pay and benefits
  8. Avocadioo

    Consolidation Warehouse A1 & A2

  9. N

    VLE everyday Inbound DC

    Hi everyone wanted to know if we ever going to get mandatory overtime in inbound our warehouse is 98% full wondering what’s going on?
  10. D

    Drawers that pack

    Has anyone shipped out any of those packing drawers yet?
  11. WHS

    Least valuable position in the DC?

    I’m just curious what people think
  12. RWTM

    I’m a Mentor who needs a Mentee

    Are you currently employed at Target? If so I need my first mentee. My profile is up to date.
  13. RWTM

    RWTM’s Safety

    Last weekend a sorting TM did a roll and go at the 4 way as you enter the shipping wing. They were on a tugger and had 2 cages. The first cage was empty and the second cage was full. As soon as they turned the cage unhooked and crashed into the RWTM’s computer desk/surgical area. Luckily they...
  14. RWTM


    Are the IB waves screwed up rn forecasting wise?
  15. RWTM

    Yard Coordinator bonus.

    How does this merrit role factor in the bonus? I’m about to be capped.
  16. S

    DC schedule question

    What does this mean for may 7 on my schedule? It's like it's deducting hours from my scheduled shift
  17. M


    How do your dcs have so much clothes sending them out daily to every store? When is this madness going to go back to normal?
  18. T

    Warehouse Worker Areas

    Hey, I am getting hired on at the DC as a warehouse worker. What all departments could I go to? I know of Inbound and Outbound. What else is there?
  19. RWTM


    Please do thorough inspections and complete all checklists prior to driving. The equipment is NOT safe. This is not a joke.