
  1. A

    What is something you wish your ETL-HR knew / did?

    Hi! I am currently in the pipeline to become an ETL-Human Resources. I come from the sales floor, unlike the current ETL-HR at my store, and have since realized how important the connection between sales floor experience and being an ETL-Human Resources is. Sure, the metrics say it takes x...
  2. C

    Incoming External ETL

    I am an incoming external ETL straight out of college with a degree in Human Resource Management with 5 years of retail experience. I also have a military background as an Officer in the National Guard. After spending quite some time looking through threads, I am learning that a lot of ETL's are...
  3. D

    Outside Hire - ETL Interview

    Hi there, I imagine in general folks aren't fans of outside hires coming in for an ETL role, and I honestly don't blame them. I have a second round interview coming up with an STL (via Facetime, given the pandemic) in the greater NYC area for HR-ETL. I am currently an HR Manager at a different...
  4. S

    ETL interview questions

    I understand they are basic STAR questions. Can anyone post what the actual questions are? Or if anyone remembers specific ones that are in the interview guide?
  5. R

    My Time as an ETL

    Hey everyone! Now that I have been away from Target for a month or so and worked at another company, I have felt like self-reflecting and giving some people my opinions on my experiences at Target. I worked my way up for close to 15 years from a part-time high school job to multiple ETL roles...
  6. A

    HR ETL

    Hi - I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice about what my leadership may be thinking, as I believe they may be putting me on a path to become an HR ETL but possibly an HR TL. I don't necessarily know / am looking to see if anyone can tell me the next steps leadership may take so that...
  7. A

    if I'm graduating with a BA in May, when can I apply for ETL positions?

    Do I have to wait until the degree is officially posted (which could take until June) or can I start applying while still in school? How long would the hiring process take? Thank you :)
  8. B

    Multiple ETLs?

    Have you guys ever encountered multiple ETLs of the same position at the same store? Other then interns or ETLs in training I mean.
  9. allnew2

    Moving up

    So I’ve been back to my home store since December now . As some of you know this wasn’t a transfer by choice and was the DTL requesting me back. Today I was pulled in the office by my sd , Etl and dtl. I thought ohh shit what did I do . I sit down and they start saying how they can’t believe I...
  10. I

    TM to ETL

    I'm a TM and just had my interview for ETL... I feel like the process for a Internal candidate is unnecessarily long and tedious. Wondering if it would be better to quit and reapply for ETL position?
  11. J

    ETL starting salary?

    I know I can look at an average on Glassdoor but can anyone tell me a starting salary for an external etl with experience?
  12. B

    Worth trying to promote to ETL?

    Have been a TL for 10 years and talking with SD about promoting to ETL. Concern, with the extra hours expected, will my pay go up enough to be worth it? Extra responsibility and hours... I need to see a difference in my pay check. Anyone have any insights? Will I still keep my vacation time...
  13. 4

    New ETL, wondering how my review will work?

    Hey guys, sorry if there was a thread relevant to this. I couldn't find one. So after a few years with Target I got signed off last week for ETL! We discussed pay and I was happy with what I was offered. I was wondering how this will affect my annual review? Will it be overridden? I'll have my...
  14. copycopy

    Closing ETL

    Does anyone have the Closing ETL position in your store? If so, what does your store make annually? Just curious where it falls in the structure.
  15. S

    Promoted to ETL GE

    I recently did a meet and greet with an SD for ETL GE. Although it wasn’t the position I wanted, I’m gonna take it because I’m not sure how long it will be for another position to open up. They let it slip that I got the job, but what can I expect for training, the benefits and the salary they...
  16. IcePeasant

    ETL - Specialty Sales

    Hi all Long story short, I’ll be headed to my fourth store in less than eight months. My career is Remodel, thus why so many stores in the short time; I’m not sure how long I’ll be at this store, but any help is appreciated. My question is mainly for specialty sales ETLs out here and really...
  17. H


    Does anybody know how much the bonus is for etl's and the sd when you meet your payroll and sales goal?
  18. Calico Tapeworm

    What Does An ETL Do All Day?

    I’m new and still love it here at T. However, some days (like today) where I’m buried in uboats of stock, repacks and reshops. Never have I seen my ETL on the floor ready to work shoulder to shoulder with me. I come from a previous retailer where the leaders did the same work as the...
  19. Aria81

    Life as an ETL

    So I am doing the ETL internship this coming summer and im curious s to what to expect? Can someone describe the tasks/ daily routine of an ETL? pros and cons of the position?
  20. ReadyforChange

    Archived ETL - AP Interview / Questions

    Scrubbed so I don’t lose my interview.