
  1. A

    Archived When the DTL visits the store, what talking points do you bring up?

    Would love to hear from TL's and ETL's.
  2. J

    Archived Lateral move

    For ETLs that move onto their next position as ETL, what do the pay increases normally look like? Does it just depend on time in, what area you will work in, what store or performance?
  3. U

    Archived The Bullshit Thread

    Maybe a thread where you call bullshit on things you here. For instance, I love when we get a new ETL. He acted surprised that the POG team doesn't help push truck, do smart huddle, push autofills and caf pulls, back up cashier, pull our own stuff, backstock our stuff, and answer floor buttons...
  4. K

    Archived About ETL Interview

    does anyone have advice on the ETL interview specifically ETL-AP. just trying to get advice and i don't mean interview questions I mean interview process. specifically what does it mean when they say there going to grade your interview after the second one (behavioral). And then told its going...
  5. Thunderbird1956

    Archived ETL Interns

    Seriously who is vetting the interns this year? More than once I've caught our intern playing on the phone when they are supposed to be at least learning the business. I'm sure they have promise, but I've yet to see any beside being willing to play shadow to an ETL.
  6. K

    Archived CCA?

    first time posting on here. just got warned by my hr etl that if i continue loafing by the electronics boat i'll get CCA'd. what does that mean? is it getting written up, or something worse?
  7. Him

    Archived Anyone worked for a "prick", but kinda miss some of their methods

    This goes out to people who has been with Spot longer than a "Hiccup". I know we all had that person in Leadership, that makes you say "Man why are they like that?" Now that they are no longer with your store, (Promotion, Quit or fired), you're like "I kinda miss when so and so DID so and so...
  8. B

    Archived New ETL Hire

    Hey All, So I've been searching this forum for weeks to find any and all information I can regarding external ETL hires and the adventure I'm enbarking on. I've been reading forums since I originally got recruited and throughout my interview process. I ended up getting hired as an ETL...
  9. Kartman

    Archived How are ETL's LIke Religious Zealots?

  10. can't touch this

    Archived STL/ETL stereotypes and archetypes

    After the unexpected popularity of my STL types post in the other thread, I thought it would be fun to make a thread where we can describe all the typical types and traits of the STLs and ETLs that we've seen. I think Target actually goes out of its way to search for and hire these people on...
  11. B

    Archived Trouble with GE ETL

    My GE ETL is not liked by anyone in our store, before him I was good at my job and happy. Now I hate going into work! If your not perfect you get a write up, he is confrontational, lies to save his job. I am burnt out from every weekend and worrying about when I will be called into his office...
  12. RandomTeamMember

    Archived ETL Resigning

    Just found out my ETL is resigning because of a new job he got. (He's wanted a weekday job with weekends off because of family) Really sad about it him leaving because he's super nice and really easy to get along with. Also he actually helped out and did stuff around the store unlike my other...
  13. G

    Archived Executive BS

    In the last couple of weeks I have noticed that my STL and ETL are being a lot more controlling of everything. I’m a GSTL/FSTL and they are constantly pointing out everything that needs to be done. Yup, I know that, but when I have two cashiers or I am watching Starbucks by myself, I might not...
  14. T

    Archived New group of kindergarteners.. um ETLS

    Currently I feel we are running our store with a bunch of kindergarten kids. Physical age doesn't bother me one bit but mental age is something else. We have ETLs riding pallet jacks and carts. They play dress up while we are trying to finish a 2900 piece truck. They drop man cafs in the middle...
  15. Texacobeacon

    Archived TL to ETL

    Is it an absolute must to have a 4 year degree to become a salaried ETL?
  16. EatPlanoLove

    Archived ETL Business College increase

    I start business college soon I was curious if the rumor that you get a raise afterwards was true or not? If so what usually is it? Also if anyone happens to know the pay scale for ETL’s I’d appreciate knowing. Thank you.
  17. G

    Archived Guest issues/overrides

    So I work at guest services at my local target store. I am constantly running into situations where a guest doesn’t like a policy, and I explain that nothing can be done. I’m which point they ask to speak to a manager. The manager then overrides what I said and allows that policy to be broken...
  18. EatPlanoLove

    Archived Favorite ETL Position

    ETL’s I’m curious what (in your personal opinion) is the best ETL position and why? Best meaning most fun and fulfilling not necessarily what you found to be the easiest. I’m looking to hear the dirty and gritty details too from your experiences!
  19. L

    Archived New(ish) ETL Needs Advice

    Hi, I'm an external hire to Target, which is massively different from any other job I've held in the past. I onboarded back in early Fall, but I still feel like I'm just not "getting it". I don't want to go into details (this would quickly turn into a rant) but basically I feel that my...
  20. EagleEye

    Archived Looking for recently promoted ETL

    Hey there, I'll be going into ETL interviews shortly and I'm hoping that there are a few people on this site that might be able to share their experience with me. I'd prefer to chat through private message, so just shoot me one if you are able. Thanks!