
  1. KillerTL

    Archived Interns...mixed feelings.

    I understand it's a way to get new, young talent in the door. But as a SrTL it really grinds my gears that they bring in outsiders to be trained by our teams to eventually take a job that they could be grooming me for but instead they give all this training and attention to some pretentious...
  2. B

    Archived Skipping a tier or 2 when promoting from TM to a management role?

    What I mean with my title is the hypothetical of being promoted from TM to say SrTL or even ETL and the likelihood of that happening.
  3. pinkp2ie

    Archived I remember when i was excited to work, excited to say yes to phone calls to come into work.

    Now i fucking hate it. Working two days a week to keep my insurance, but every shift i work i bust my butt off and get nothing but shit. I think - i'm done with pursuing ETL-AP after college. I strongly doubt they'll even give me ETL if there's a opening in my district and if i have a four...
  4. J

    Archived Am I the worst?

    going on 8 months in my ETL role, and honestly, can't do t much longer. Trying to make it a full year. I just hate that I'm complaining about the toll it's taking on my body and personal life when I know there's awesome folks out there older than I am, with kids, who make it work. I just don't...
  5. S

    Archived Promoting to ETL

    What team lead role would you say is the best to promote to ETL from? Which role would give one the most "exposure" and ability to shine? All opinions are welcome!
  6. alwayshardlines

    Archived HR-ETL Telling other team members I put in my two week notice?

    Hi. I've never posted on this site before, but I've been working at my Target for a year and 7 months. I accepted another job at an insurance company, so I put in my two week notice with spot. I wasn't malicious about it, and I've been showing up for all of my shifts and will continue to do so...
  7. A

    Archived How to handle an offensive ETL?

    I've never had an issue quite like this because I've always been fortunate enough to get along with all of TL's and ETL's, but the other day I was having a conversation with an ETL of mine, and she made a comment about another TM's sexuality in a derogatory manner. I was shocked, and I didn't...
  8. S

    Archived Sr. TL to ETL

    Hey everyone, Recently I left the education field with my bachelors and half a masters completed because well it's sucked and performance wasn't rewarded. I was hired as a SR. TL and my STL said they were looking at me for ETL in a passing convo not to long ago. I've seen so many mentions of...
  9. redcardroy

    Archived From Intern to ETL

    Can anyone explain the process of being offered an etl position at the end of the executive internship? Do you have to go on through the extended internship? If so, how demanding is it? I'll have to take 27 more credit hours in fairly demanding classes after the summer to graduate. Also, when it...
  10. M

    Archived Annual Salaries Increase and bonus that an ETL would receive every year.

    Hello everyone, I am a fall 2017 hire for an ETL position. I start business college in a few weeks. Can anyone speak to the Annual Salaries Increase and bonus that an ETL would receive every year.
  11. P

    Archived ETL looking for info on TM posting

    How does a TM post for a position in another dept. I have a SBX TM who would like to move to HL.
  12. A

    Archived ETL-HR (Career Change)

    Hello All, I have been working in the retail industry part time since high school (so about ten years now). I'm currently working as a Project Coordinator full time and a cashier at another retailer part time. I really enjoy being at my retail job more because sitting at a cubicle all day is...
  13. softlinessgal

    Archived why do etl's have short time spans?

    today i found out out etl-ap is planning to leave our store to transfer to a new one. it saddens me because he's a great etl and him and i have gotten closer lately. anyways, he's been at our target for almost 4 years now but i hear that etl's usually switch out every 2-3 years, i was wondering...
  14. redcardroy

    Archived Can a reserve deputy be an ETL-AP?

    I'm really interested in becoming a reserve deputy for a TX police agency while also [hopefully] working at TGT as an ETL-AP. A reserve deputy is strictly a volunteer position, minimum 20 hours a month. While I would be a fully comissioned police officer, I cannot act in the capacity of a police...
  15. B

    Archived Some College or Bachelor's Degree Level

    Hey everyone! I'm new to posting but have been reading threads for a while. I'm one of those bright-faced soon-to-be college grad. I graduate this May and I'm considering Target as a possible next step. Obviously have read the threads about how horrible Target is to some ETLs but that's what...
  16. pinkp2ie

    Archived ETL

    Is worth Target as a ETL even worth a career anymore? Right now, i'm finishing up my second year of college. I'm currently enrolled a 4 year college. But is it even worth attempting to become a ETL as a future career?
  17. indigo25

    Archived Leader Routines

    I'm trying to redraft a routine for myself. No one other than our Plano + Pricing TL has a decent routine so I was wondering if anyone here has an awesome routine for themselves. Personal I'm a SR Food TL, but with just recently adding cafe and starbucks on top of my normal LOD shifts I'm...
  18. redcardroy

    Archived What makes an awesome ETL?

    Hello all, I apologize if this thread already exists, although I couldn't find one after searching. Gaining trust, respect, and dedication as a manager while also balancing team performance is an art. I would like to know what makes an amazing ETL. From team members, tl's, other etls, stls...
  19. redcardroy

    Archived Store tour next week

    I will be doing a store tour next week with my ETL-GE in preparation for my ETL internship. Do you have any pointers for me? Is it a good time to introduce myself to all the members of management at the store or should I wait for orientation? Although it's not 100% confirmed that this'll be my...
  20. D

    Archived ETL reviews?

    We did the ETL review earlier this year, but I heard there's still a second part --- and that's to meet the DTL to discuss the review. How exactly does this work? I'm pretty nervous about it. I'm not quite sure what to expect...