
  1. JazzyPacks

    Archived Rest Breaks

    So, I know it's important to take my rest breaks. However, at my store, we are required to take a rest break every three hours of work. (I'm also in a store with the before fifth-hour lunch.) Here's my question: When I work a 6 hour shift, how should I split the three breaks? I usually do...
  2. S

    Archived How to use walkie talkies properly

    even though my shitty store barely has any zebras or walkies, for the rare time I do get one, how do I actually use it to contact my LOD? Is there a specific channel and if so, how do I access it? I think it’s awkward saying my LODs name and no employee in the entire store answers.
  3. S

    Archived How do I know what to do everyday?

    Whenever I get there, clock in and get my zebra and walkie, how do I know what specific task I’m supposed to do? I work in consumables so do I just go to consumables and look for familiar faces?
  4. E

    Archived online training question and a small rant

    WHEN do i do my online training? I was supposed to do it last Friday, and even got it set up but then it was time for me to clock out, so I had to pause it and they told me that they'd help me continue on my next shift. I asked my TL and HR when do i continue it, because someone wanted to...
  5. DoctorMario

    Archived I just got rejected for a job I didn't apply for...

    Ok, so last week I applied for an ETL position at my college. I was interviewed twice by two different STLs. The next day, I was emailed by the recruiter saying I would be moving on to another interview. Drove an hour to get to the interview & I thought it went extraordinarily well. I'm applying...
  6. Q

    Archived Second Paycheck

    Hello, so I was recently hired for target and had orientation on November 3rd. I got paid November 10 for orientation about $46. I was wondering when my first full paycheck would be. The $46 was given as a check and I had already filled out my direct deposit form. They did say your first and...
  7. A

    Archived Scheduled Outside of My Availability

    I put down Sundays as unavailable on my application, I've never changed it, and so far I haven't had any trouble, but for some reason they scheduled me tomorrow (the 19th). Will I have any issue calling out tomorrow or talking to the hiring manager about it?
  8. S

    Archived How to use timeclock device

    I start training next week and was wondering how to use the timeclock mounted on the wall and also, How do i get my code and is this how i use the timeclock? i start work, i press start work and type in my code when lunch arrives, i go to the device and click start lunch and type in my code...
  9. C

    Archived Need Help! Not Sure What To Do!

    Hey, I was hired on as a seasonal for the hardlines position around 3 weeks ago and so far I am loving the job! But I have a dilemma that I don't know what to do, while reading please keep in mind that I am only 17 years old and this is my first job I have had, so I apologize for lack of...
  10. Britney

    Archived First day tomorrow!!

    Alright my first day is tomorrow at 5 and I'm really nervous. I am positioned at the Starbucks and im not sure what to do when I go in tomorrow. Should I go back to the team members room (ETL HR gave us the code in orientation.) If so then what should I do? Should I talk to they lady at the head...
  11. C

    Archived Advice needed!!

    Hi so I actually need some advice from you guys!! Ive been working at target since November of last year and I've always been a cashier, so it's almost been a year. My original store was ruined when hurricane irma hit, so many of my fellow coworkers got transferred to the other stores across...
  12. S

    Archived Not getting any feedback relating to time off???

    I was hired just over two weeks ago, maybe 3 weeks ago by now. Not 100% sure. When I was doing my interview, a lady interviewed me and asked basic questions and my availability. I told her "I am in college and right now would like about 25 hours a week, just part time, but for the holidays I'll...
  13. C

    Archived I can’t check my schedule !!

    For some reason I can’t log in to the website to check my schedule from my phone but I can check it from my job and from the zebra as well. Idk what the heck to do because I’m getting tired of taking photos of my schedule at work !!
  14. S

    Archived Oct13-15 job opening

    Im going to go for an interview tomorrow morning, and I was wondering if Food service or backroom would be the best? Itll be my first job and im unsure of what to expect
  15. U

    Archived Starbucks help?!

    Okay so I’m being trained in Starbucks and I honestly don’t know what to expect. If anyone can help me with ANY tips or advice. Like what to wear, expect, or anything really. - thanks in advance !!
  16. S

    Archived Will my seasonal position end?

    hello all, I'm a softlines team member originally hired as a seasonal team member mid August. It's now almost mid October and I haven't heard anything about being hired on or let go. I have decided I no longer want to keep working at target once my seasonal position "ends" but after...
  17. SurvivinOnCoffee

    Archived SOS I think I messed up

    I had an incident happen where I worked off the clock and didn't realize it was prohibited until afterwards. I'm a sofltlines TM. I looked in my target hand book about what to do and it said to contact HR as soon as possible to add the not clocked in time that was worked. It was 9:36 pm to...
  18. J

    Archived Being fired?

    Soooo. I'm new to target so I'm still on my 90 day probation. I need y'all to be honest So I called out sick two times but they were both late... one was bc I was sick and the other was because I lost a family member. Is that considered a NCNS?? And then tonight I just got off my shift so my...
  19. J

    Archived Operator/Fitting Room HELP

    Hey guys, so I've been working softlines for about two months now, and coming up next Saturday I have my first operator/fitting room shift AND they booked me for a long shift, from 8-4:30 (normally operators at my store only work 4-5 hour shifts). I received the basics from when I had my initial...
  20. S

    Archived Is it possible to not pass EIT training?

    Quick question. I didn't have the best training and I extended my training by two weeks. I'm days away from ending but my trainer feels like I'm not ready. Things are finally clicking two days from my last training day. Is it possible that my trainer and STL saying I'm not ready prevent me from...