
  1. B

    Newbie here!!

    Hi so I’m new here. I’m starting at target distribution center. I’m a little bit nervous because I’m not really in the best shape and I am pretty short in stature. I’m 5 foot 2. I applied for the warehouse worker and recently got offered the job. I start in two weeks and just want to take an all...
  2. D

    Home Based

    Does anyone here work in the home based sr specialist positions? I’m wondering what to expect
  3. N

    Brand New To BreakPack, Any Tips Or Advice That Any Of You Can Give Me?

    Hello Everyone! brand new to the website, and now brand new to breakpack; just a little context I Started off in the packing department tt my DC, went from packing for 6 months to feeding; for the remaining time until this point in my job change, being in that department I never would have known...
  4. RedShirtFresh

    New @ A2 @ DC

    Hello, I just finished Distribution Center orientation, it was interesting how the Guild Education benefits were just an afterthought / barely mentioned ! 1) Do very few people take advantage of Guild ? My recent background was as a shift supervisor for a huge bakery DC. It was insanely easy...
  5. S

    Joining the team! ETL HR

    Hello there! I'm starting in a few weeks as the ETL - HR. I've been the general manager of businesses with smaller 3~5 teams, larger box office stores with 20+ members, but never been in a leadership role with somewhere that does as much business as a place like Target. Mostly wanted to...
  6. tak0000715

    hidden pros of target?

    Hey all! I have my orientation this week & im pretty excited to say the least. Coming from somewhere I hated and have worked at malmart before so im happy to get back into a store ngl. Tell me the hidden pros in your store. I wanna know if you collect anything they sell do you kind of get first...
  7. DrWho42


    hi y'all! i worked as a cart attendant at the target from November 2015 until December 2018. i started working as cart attendant again just yesterday.
  8. B

    New guy making use of target forward

    Hey ya, I'm new. Just joined Target. I picked Target because I'm trying to make use of Target's new "Target Forward" program so I can get training and move my way up the ladder.
  9. TechNix


    Howdy! I figured I'd drop in and say hi! I was hired as a seasonal team member. I started Wednesday with my orientation and my first training shift is on Saturday! I was hired for flex, but I will be doing GM (availability goes better with them, so I was told). I work another job FT, so this is...
  10. S

    New External ETL Here!

    Hi Everyone! Joining the team as an SE ETL, and coming in externally from previous high end retail. I want to thank all members of this site for the guidance throughout my interview process, but most importantly the data I’ve got around what a good ETL looks like. I know in some places, an...
  11. B

    Does Target call to tell you that they have passed on hiring you?

    It's late and my brain can't sleep. I had my 2nd interview, with store manager, on Friday. I was told they would get in touch with me this week by Wednesday. The HR person wasn't in the building at the time of my 2nd interview. My first was days prior with said HR person. I got a call back this...
  12. G

    So just a quick hello from a lurker

    Greetings! When lurking begins to feel creepy it's time to say hello. I'm at a store in the south, about a year in on the salesfloor. The info, advice, and anecdotes I've read here are priceless. I appreciate it, and hope I can contribute something. Probably something mortifying that happens...
  13. B


    I’ve been a TL going on 2 years before that I was a team member for 3 years. I use to love my job but now not so much Because I’m not really doing TL stuff I’m not observing my team I’m not coaching my team hell I don’t have time to take a piss… I’m always jumping into the e-pics, always jumping...
  14. T


    I started target 3 days ago. I did all the training videos and reading all day my first day and 2.5 hrs my second day. None of these training videos included how to actually run the register. They had me shadow someone for 20 mins before they watched me ring for like 30 mins then was told you're...
  15. Shoomm

    Am I returning? Am I crazy? Who knows!

    Greetings, folks. It's been quite a while, and stuff has changed a lot since I was 'round these parts, so I figure a re-introduction is in order. I'm not currently working for Spot, but I did for a few years, a few years ago. I was primarily a caffeine dealer, but eventually cross-trained for...
  16. B


    So i’ve worked at target for 11 yrs, next month will make it 12 yrs. I’m part of the inbound team we use to be the flow team. i work in receiving during the truck unload as a sorter. over the years ive worked really hard. i’ve had tremendous back pain with all the heavy lifting. my problem is...
  17. sleepercell

    Happy to be here!

    I've been a Warehouse Worker in a Target RDC for a couple months now, but just discovered this community yesterday when seeking merit interview advice. Wish I had found it sooner, but that's okay! Looking forward to chatting with you all!
  18. Batteryguy556

    Obligatory introduction

    I'm new here. Just started working in electronics. Seems okay, I worked at Walmart for 3 years before coming here. Anything I should know? Tips?
  19. M

    Newbie help

    Hello everyone! First time posting and not sure if doing it right! I had orientation for guest advocate (cashiers I guess idk, they said they could have sworn they put me somewhere else). Orientation was a mess, there was about 8 of us and I’m lost. If anyone can answer any of these...
  20. DewDrop

    Sales Floor Wow! Wish I knew this place existed a long time ago!

    Oh My Goodness! Hello! I have been working at target for over a year. Very glad to have stumbled onto this little website while looking up the target credit union. Hello once again!