
  1. T

    My STL is saying I quit even though I never quit

    So here's my story. I'm a student that's been working at Target part time for the past 4 years. Recently, our STL and ETL-HR left the store. We got a new STL and still do not have an ETL-HR. So literally most of the HR operations is done through the STL and she doesn't understand anything...
  2. T

    Target just fired me for asking to go on a Leave of Absence. What do I do now?

    I'm a college student that's been working at Target for 4 years. Every time I wanted an educational leave of absence, I got it. I called my STL today and asked for one and she basically said educational leaves are no longer offered and that I would have to re-apply once I'm back Is there ANY...
  3. H

    Can anyone describe the process of getting on a personal (unpaid) LOA?

    Can anyone describe the process of getting on a personal (unpaid) LOA? I am not seeing anyway through the benefits website. Also if anyone can describe how to become an on demand employee, I would love to hear more about this.
  4. L

    Covid paid loa ?

    Last December I took the 30 days vulnerable team member paid leave for covid. Is it possible to take a another one ?
  5. copycopy

    Educational LOA

    I was just I formed that there is no longer any educational LOAs. Is the abolishment of this company wide? I cannot seem.to find any information on this. Thank you.
  6. A

    What should I do if I'm on a CA until June 2022 but plan on going to a college 2 hours away in January?

    I know you normally can't transfer on a CA, but do they make exceptions in my case? I am planning on transferring colleges, from a CC to a 4 year for the spring 2022 semester and that 4 year university is 2 hours away from where I live/my current location. I'm not exactly sure how to handle...
  7. A

    Can you be rehired if you didn’t return after LOA?

    I did not return to work after my LOA at the distribution center and I received a separation letter saying I didn’t return after LOA. Will they rehire?
  8. N

    Benefits EDLOA

  9. M

    Emergency Time Off

    I have used the 80 hours that were provided through Target. Granted that I needed the leave again, and all of my current benefit time doesn't cover 80 hours of absence, does ReedGroup pay TM's out or would I have to file through EDD? Thank you.
  10. S

    How long can i be on loa?

    How long would i be able to take an loa for? Kinda want to be out for two months or so. It’s just personal, bc Ive just been super burnt out and stressed lately and I’ve never taken a leave from target before. Also, how soon should I let them know I wanna take a leave - like do I need to let...
  11. R

    LOA and what to expect?

    Hello everyone! I am planning on requesting to take an LOA when I go into work tomorrow since I have been offered a full-time summer internship for my career. However, I am a bit worried since my 90-day probation has not quite ended, but I am very close. I will actually hit 90 days on May 2...
  12. G

    Paid LOA whilr pregnant

    Does anyone know the name of the paid leave I can take for being pregnant during covid.. My ETL told me, but I don't remember the name. She said there's one I can take for 17weeks and one for 12 weeks I believe. I don't go back to work until Saturday.
  13. S

    Personal LOA-Reason?

    I am looking at taking a personal loa basically because I’m at the end of my rope. The stress of work and stress at home is putting me over the edge. Can anyone who has been through the process explain how it works? How detailed do you have to go with HR when requesting the LOA? Who...
  14. TheLycan

    Personal leave question

    So I know the person leave max time under covid is 120 days. I have a question regarding if I decide not to return after 120 days, would I still be able to re apply back under safer circumstances in the future I'd I dont return or dontou think they would put me down as a nonrehirable? I'm just...
  15. A

    LOA question for someone in HR

    My son to LOA at the beginning of the pandemic due to being high risk for complications at the recommendation of HR. He exhausted his LOA time off and never contacted HR about returning to work or resigning. I would assume he was terminated. If that's the case, can he still be rehired?
  16. B

    Pricing and Presentation TTFN

    It’s 7:30am. I’m drinking a glass of wine, a toast to my friends and co-workers. Thanks for everything. 20 1/2 years of overnight, 16 of it on Planogram. Thank God for LoA. I never have been able to do the same thing all year long. Spot has been good to me. I have rankled at the idiotic changes...
  17. B


    Hi all, I’m wondering if you can start work before ur LOA ends or you have to wait till it’s over? Do you typically go back to ur same department or you’re placed where it’s needed?
  18. IHaveNoIdea

    Taking a medical leave of absence?

    I've taken a personal loa once before last year because of the raging pandemic, but I really need to take a medical leave now. I've been having significant problems with my legs, especially my knees which sometimes feel like they crunch like Rice Krispies. It used to be just doing heavy...
  19. TheLycan

    Disability Leave

    So I got approved for 30 days unpaid leave. My question is since I tried to go to unemployment for help unemployment told me target offered disability pay through a private plan. I HAVE that plan. I forget what it was called it was LoD something. And they told me I had to file the claim with...
  20. F

    Benefits How can I find out a loa is approved and when pay will start

    How can I check if loa has been approved and when will pay start