I'm currently on the personal/critical illness LOA due to severe respiratory illness and immune supressive medications.
Currently target limits personal LOAs to 120 days, which means mine will run out at the end of july.
My city hasn't peaked in covid cases, and my drs recommend me to still...
Was Target granting 120 days of UNPAID LOA for any reason?
Supposedly one of my TLs took time off because he didn't want to wear a mask in the store which a county/state TEMPORARY regulation.
To me a mask is no different than having to wear a maroon or red top.
I wasn't trying to be slick or anything to start this all off. I qualified for the Paid LOA due to Covid-19 or Coronavirus. If I'm not mistaken we only get paid up to our average hours for this paid leave. I was working more than my average when this all started. My intentions were to get paid...
I’m fairly new at my job, (I’ve been working at target since February) and I really love it there. But I have Colitis and I get such bad flare ups and have to call out. I’ve already called out 4 days I think, but they’ve all been because of my condition. Of course with everything going...
I keep thinking about taking the paid loa. I have asthma and right now is peak season for me. I also have a 2 year old that I’m worried will get sick. I’d have no problem getting the proof I need from my doctor but I’m worried about repercussions. I was wondering if it includes job security...
They robot said "All representatives are busy. Please stay on the line it will be answered soon". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA like hell. I've been sitting here listening to that damn waiting piano music for 2 hours now. I think I'm going crazy. This shit is driving me insane. I bet the CIA use this...
Hello! I'm due to be going back to work in a few weeks, as I took the unpaid loa because of the coronavirus but I cant afford to take any time off. My HR called me today and said I need to call Target Pay and Benefits, as they are assuming I'm extending my loa because the virus isnt getting...
Hey guys I could use some advice. 2 weeks ago I called out twice due to fever symptoms. I haven’t been sleeping because I have crippling anxiety. Part of me wants to call out because i am not functioning right. What to do? Will this affect me later? I’m new.
I took a voluntary LOA when I found out someone at my husband's job tested positive for Covid. I talked to my lead, HR, and the store director. We all agreed it was until the 18th but I still don't see anything on the schedule. Is there a process to go back?
I'm a college student that works part time at Target. I was recently on a leave of absence due to college, but I'm worried about going back to work due to the coronavirus. I have asthma so I have a pre-existing condition. I know Target said they'll give people with "underlying medical conditions...
New Target employee here,
I was lucky enough to be the first one at my store to test positive for COVID-19. I have an underlying health issue (asthma). However, HR says I’m not eligible for LOA, because I’m a new hire. Can anyone shed some light on this? I’m currently on hold with Target LOA.
I'm a little over a week out returning from my LOA, due back the 13th. When I talked with my HRTL, he said he'd call me once that schedule was written. Was that schedule to be written (for 4/13) last Thursday or this coming Thursday? Just want to know if I should give them another call or wait...
I am on leave from 3-19 thru 4-17, it was approved paid on Monday. I get paid on Friday. Looked at paystub this morning & it wasn’t on there. I didn’t except it to be since it just got approved Monday but when should I except the rest of the pay? Is it just going to pay out on the 17th, the next...
I just checked with my dr and I dont qualify as high risk, but my dad who I live with is. So i probably don't qualify for the vulnerable LOA, is there another type of leave option I could look into, or do I have to just quit? There's a sizable outbreak in my area and with people ignoring the...
So in early August, I’m going to college about 2 hours away from where I work. I’m wondering how I should tell my store that I will be going to college. I will also be coming home sometimes to work. Should I do LOA or change availability. Also, they are building a Target near the college I’m...
If you have a health condition defined by the cdc and they offer you the 30 days paid leave. How much would that ‘paid’ leave be? Anyone?
Based on average hours/pay? If so the average over how long? Current schedule full 40 with $2 bonus is going to be a lot more than my average hours over the...