
  1. BloodSweatTears

    Step progression pay scale

    What is the last step for warehouse worker? I’m currently on Step 6 and can’t remember I’f I’m maxed out. If not I’m due for a raise in a month but not quite sure, TIA
  2. P

    Pay negotiating

    I live in Florida and the start out pay for inbound expert is $15. Through doing some research (glassdoor) the maximum pay for this position is $22. My seasonal is about to end soon and I know they will offer me a full-time position because I have cultivated a reputation as hard working and...
  3. E


    I know target starts hourly pay at $15 but if I came somewhere that payed $16 is it likely they will match the previous pay or will they leave it at $15?
  4. Dream Baby

    PTO added too late

    My HR-ETL didn't add my PTO before the cutoff for my most recent paycheck. I did it way before the Monday cutoff. The thing is shows up in my Time Card though it wasn't added until this past Thursday. Will that PTO then show up on the paycheck that I get in two weeks?
  5. F

    TL pay incease and bonuses 2024?

    Has anyone heard if Team leads will get a pay increase this year or a bonus? Any ideas on how much if so?
  6. D

    Peers pay

    I’m a team lead who helped develop and train one of my team members over a couple years. Helped them move into a tl role. Recently found out they make more than I do. They accidentally told me. What should I do about it? Is it worth talking to hr? No bad feels towards that tm. It just makes me...
  7. J

    Merit Level 1

    Story time with Q&A (DC) Here's the story... I started this journey at the end of June 2020 (COVID mass hire) Inbound A1. 10 months in, May 2021, I moved into Operations Clerical/Packet Officefor IB A2 (Level 1 Merit). Throughout the years TM across the DC have received multiple pay increases...
  8. S

    MLK Day

    This was a debate today: because it is a federal holiday, is MLK day time and a half?
  9. F

    Question about Wages...

    I am interested in seeing how wages change according to the store hierarchy? I know entering TM's in Maine make 16/hour, and TL's make about 20/hr but can someone tell me how much a TL can make, like what is the cap for a TL's wage? What about department and store leaders too? I know they make...
  10. M

    Paycheck problem

    my first pay period just passed and I did not receive my pay. I don’t have auto pay set up and did not get a check. The app says I had a gross of $280 and that employer withheld $280 and my net pay is $0. What happened? What do I do?
  11. J

    Merit TM

    I was wondering if anybody had any form of documentation stating that merit team members ARE NOT to be doing production functions?
  12. qmosqueen

    $1.00 extra from 10/22/2023 to 01/06/2024

    This was posted on our front door near the now hiring $15/hr sign.
  13. P

    Holiday Pay vs Premium Pay

    Do we get both if we work the holiday? 😂 Or just the premium pay…
  14. Dream Baby

    TL Bonus

    Does a TL receive a bonus at the end of the fiscal year? What metrics do they base this on?
  15. M

    Not receiving last paycheck

    Silly question, or not even that silly to be honest. ETL here worked for Target for 15 years. Am I shocked this happened, not really. I just received my last paycheck, zero dollars. What confuses me is pay period is 7/30 - 8/12. I worked 7/30, Sunday. I had vacation lined up before I put in...
  16. T


    When do they give out the TM performance bonus? I know they sent names to Headquarters already. Anyone know? Should be soon.
  17. Yaz Pistasio


    Woo Hoo… 50 cent raise per hour! Who else got one?
  18. busyzoningtoys

    Any ideas on what the PG45 to ETL pay increase is looking like these days?

    Any idea what the offers are looking like for a PG45 promoting to ETL? Current pay is about $6/hr over TL base which I don’t remember, I think is $22 or $22.50/hr, multiple TL roles over the past 5 years, has the support of SDs, DSD, and some BPs. Moderately high volume store and district, and...
  19. L


    If you got chime hook up for direct deposit what day you get paid?
  20. S

    MyTime Does this count as overtime?

    My store is very strict with overtime. I requested 1 day (Friday) for 8 hours of paid time off. Prior to that day, I was at 32.75 hours. Now MyTime shows me as 40.75 hours for the week (what I worked + the day off). Will I get in trouble for overtime? Or does paid time off not count towards the...